Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 13:31:09 EDT 2020 | bukas
when something like this happens I usually do a connector and PCB slot cleaning. apply contact cleaner and plug/unplug (slot/unslot) connector (PCB) few times then blow it out dry. do it for each PCB and connector.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 12:24:17 EDT 2021 | bukas
is Mark3 program started on startup or do you start it manually? It can be like this if you run it manually. Other cause is bad contact in PCB slot or connector in 90% cases. Wash then with contact cleaner and insert and pull out few times to clean c
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 14:51:04 EDT 2018 | justconmac
UPDATE The reason for the board count in the wave when there are no boards is due to operators leaving racks with empty PCB slots. The input feed sensor is a little bit more in the center of the conveyor whereas the output feed is a slightly closer t
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 08:08:38 EDT 2009 | ptxems
We have a couple of Zeva/Juki PM570L's. One machine has developed a fault with the z axis motor. It is continually 'buzzing', we have checked and there is 24VAC on it. Although even on the other machine there is AC voltage on the motor. We have sw
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 07:36:20 EDT 2007 | allgood
Sorry I misunderstood, its a UFP. And yes it does wobble as you step from slot to slot and when you step through a pcb, not a huge wobble, more of a shimmy really.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 05:56:59 EDT 2021 | bukas
hello James, you should be getting error message " no pneumatic pressure " when trying to get machine into READY state with no air supply. maybe you should check HDD health. while you are there, make HDD backup; and if machine uses ATA driv
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 28 02:22:52 EDT 2014 | jkhiew
We found repeated pad lifted after different SMT Reflow temperature (eg: 243 deg C and 233 deg C) at an isolated slot. The PCB Supplier had claimed that such condition is acceptable as per IPC 600H Clause 3.3.2 (Cross Sections) - eg: Acceptable - C
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 09:34:56 EST 2003 | msivigny
Hello Joseph, I'll be honest, I'm finding it a bit difficult to understand and visualize the complete scenario. If this component is designed for surface mount placement into a slot on a PCB, then why does it even need support from the bottom side? I
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 24 07:15:53 EDT 2022 | umar
Hi All SMT Expert and Members, Any one can help or share how to set the attrition formula at SMT machine pick and place process, FYI, I had a product with high mix low volume with qty running per model is less than 50 pcs, the pcb and place machi
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 19:45:26 EST 1999 | Deon Nungaray
Deon Response: Hello Will, Yes, you can reflow a double sided board using 63/37 solder paste on both sides. There are some limitations as far as the mass of the components to reflow the second time. If you have doubts or are concerned that a compone
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