Electronics Forum: pcb trolley 303 (Page 1 of 2)

Ecofree 303 conductive and corrosive?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 07:32:34 EDT 2009 | hurr

Hi Joane, this flux is primarily designed for wave soldering. I think that manual soldering it´s possible. Certainly it´s very hard to dispensing correct amount of the flux. Succinic acid is one from all ingredients of this flux. If you have this

Ecofree 303 conductive and corrosive?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 03:59:26 EDT 2009 | hurr

Hallo Joanne, I had employed by producer of Ecofrec 303. We make many tests of corrosion and conductive test in our company. All results of this tests was OK . Vast majority correspond mil standarts. When I ask my labor assistent in BRY, white residu

Re: pcb depanelization

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 13:39:45 EDT 1999 | Jason Birch

Cencorp is a company you might request informaion from. I am currently involved in a project with this company. They are out of Longmont, CO and there # is 303-702-0081 | | Could you direct me to comapnies that sell pcb depanelizers? Any info. on t

US based Fast Turn board shop

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 22 12:32:27 EDT 2005 | Tony Hall

Dynamic Details Inc (DDI) is another quick turn pcb manufacturer you should take a look at. I work in a division of DDI that specializes in quick turn assemblies if you ever have the need for such. You can contact myself or one of our myaccount man


Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 14:56:07 EST 1998 | carl m

| | Hi, | | Am looking out for companies which would perform the "highly accelerated stress testing" for my PCB test assembly samples. does anybody have any info regarding this. | | thanks, | | subhash | | | Most independent PCB test labs, often do

Re: Surface mount machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 03:33:26 EDT 1999 | Scott Davies

Anybody using trolleys with the pick-n-place machines and do you splice to the empty reels? Does it work ? ================================================================= I can totally support Charles' comments with regard to reel splicing, ie. if

Wave flux and profiling

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 18:36:46 EST 2006 | Grant

Hi, I have noticed we are getting residue on our wave pcb's and it's worse with lead free, since we changed to the flux we are using. We are currently using Avantec VOC Free flux model Ecofree 303. It looks like it's made in Malaysia. Does anyone h

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:28:12 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

flason SMT yamaha pick and place machine: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Yamaha-YG200-Pick-and-Place-Machine.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Yamaha-YG200-SMT-Nozzle-209-kv8-m71n9-a0.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Yamaha-YG300-311A-

Re: Mylar to Gerber

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 05 13:58:20 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Anyone know of someone who can convert mylar top layer board data to Gerber data? We have some old designs that all other data is now lost. | Jerry: You could tape the mylars to a digitizer pad and enter the layout into your PCB layout program o

i have to buy one NXT from Fuji What do you think???

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 01:30:33 EST 2004 | vinitverma

I respect your statements about the FCM-I but only partially. Yes it was meant for ONLY HIGH VOLUMES, but in those cases, it has proved to be a masterpeice. Talk to those who've used the machines for 70000 hours or so. I have customers here that're u

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