Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 11:06:04 EDT 2004 | JB
I am looking into a pcb washer/cleaner for misprints etc. If you are using one, which would you recommend? We use no clean solder and will use lead free in the future. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 07 12:26:07 EST 2023 | nitroone
Hi Tom, thank you so much for your feedback! I have been looking into getting better extractors for the work areas, However we don't have any for PCB washer so that might be one of the issues too. What kind do you use for the PCB washer? I'm very new
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 15:40:15 EDT 2004 | JB
Thank you all for the info. I'll check all the links and related articles.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 11 10:02:43 EST 2005 | jdumont
Good day all, we have an evaporator for our PCB washer that has been fine up until recently. Everytime we run it, it boils over and makes a HUGE mess of everything. Any suggestions as to why this could be happening? Is it possible the temp controller
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 08 10:11:27 EDT 2004 | Dreamsniper
Hi Guys, Have you tried using a standard dish washer for cleaning PCB's with BGA's. What detergent or cleaning chemicals did you used? I wonder if it will work to clean a WS Flux PCB using the dish washer then get it rinsed by an old aqueou cleaner
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 11:52:45 EDT 2004 | Mike Konrad
You state that you need a washer for �pcb washer/cleaner for misprints etc� Is it only for misprints or is it also for post-reflow de-fluxing? I would not suggest that you utilize one machine for both applications. Misprints should always be cle
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 13:13:10 EDT 2004 | Tarheel
We use a Cyberclean 3000 model 32F for our stencils and misprints.We currently use no-clean, water-clean, and lead free. It's been working great for us for 4 years now...
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 20:32:23 EDT 2004 | grayman
Hi, I have used several brands of cleaner but the best one is made by Aqueoustech which provides better result. Try it and you'll be amaze.The support is ok too. I am not in any connection with this company. I just share what I EXPERIENCE.
Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 13 12:26:23 EST 2011 | hasu
Hellou All, I am trying to figure out which one to buy, Miele 6002 or PBT Compaclean. Usage - washing assembled pcb's, app. 2500-3000pcs per month. http://www.mieleprofessional.co.uk/gb/professional/product/104_2987.htm http://www.asi-tech.co.il/?
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 20:26:54 EDT 2018 | jacobidiego
Thank you guys. And Yes, the process and knowhow of the team has a lot to be worked on, but Work Orders are of 5k to 10k units, so miss-printings will occur everytime that the printer is setup at the very least. I wonder if you have a PCB washer to
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