Electronics Forum: pcb white corrosion after soldering (Page 1 of 7)

Re: white residue after wash

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 03 08:22:36 EST 1998 | Scott Cook

| At this moment in time we are using water soluble solder paste on our PCBs these are cleaned using water only, agitated with ultrasonics. After drying a white/grey residue is left around solder joints. Reflow profile is fine and a reliable wash pro

Wetting problem of PCB after reflow soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 15:31:02 EDT 2001 | davef

How in earthly heaven would someone else have a report analyzing the defects on your boards? Among the good failure analysis labs that can assess situations like yours are: * Robisan Laboratory 6502 East 21 St Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-353-6249 fax

flux on PCB's after cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 16:31:02 EDT 2004 | Sue PH

We use Kester 186 flux and the STU people would sometimes find white residue after cleaning with Isopropyl at the solder station. We have Lenium (Petroferm)in our vapor degreasers, and now they use Lenium at their stations as well as final clean, an

flux on PCB's after cleaning

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 17:49:52 EDT 2004 | jsk

problem: Too many solvents and boards are not clean Flux remains on the board after vapor degreaser and "Powdery" white residue after vapor degreasing Flux type is kester 186 Process: hand solder High Temp alloy, spot clean after hand solder e

flux on PCB's after cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 14:41:41 EDT 2004 | Steve Stach

Dear JSK, It sounds like the root causes of your problem are two fold. First, excessive heat will polymerize the abietic acid found in rosin forming neo-abietic diamers and polymers which are much less soluble than the parent monomer. There are

White Solder Mask Discolored after Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 23 11:42:01 EDT 2009 | ysutariya

Hi Dave, I haven't tried the Probimer yet, but the Taiyo ink didn't hold up too well. As a PCB fabricator, finding a white soldermask that has good trace coverage and survives 4X solder immersion (HASL) is like the holy grail of white soldermask.

PCB with stains bleach after flux aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 12:30:16 EST 2015 | stevezeva

I remembered something from the TechNet a long time ago about heating the board with a heat gun to see if the white spots disappear. I searched the archives and found this from Bill Kenyon: Quick identification of solder mask white spots- if it is t

Re: White Tin PCB - Hand soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 21:16:28 EST 2000 | Dave F

Mark: It sound like one or more of the following is happening: * Previous heat cycles (ie, reflow, reflow, wave) are degrading the surface protectant * Wire solder flux doesn't have enough stomp to burn through the corrosion. That poor ol' stuff

PCB contamination with NC Flux after Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 16:47:09 EDT 2012 | edmundo

We use a NC Flux in the wave solder and after aAcelerated Life Test cicle we found contamination white residues paths between some solder points. Does somebody know a possible cause for this contamination.

PCB contamination with NC Flux after Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 23 10:41:36 EDT 2012 | blnorman

Ideally first you need to analyze the residue to see what it is. We had a customer with white residues after wave and elemental analysis revealed tin.

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