Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 31 20:53:20 EST 2004 | marcowong
If you are an existing PCBA house and looking for ways to reduce your overheads and maintain cost competitiveness. We are able to help and team up to do something. We are able to provide man power, factory facilities and space except machines and act
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 15:47:22 EDT 2004 | jasont
are you in China? near Suzhou? we have set-up CM facility in Suzhou
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 20:21:16 EDT 2004 | marcowong
Dear Jason, No. we are located in Penang, Malaysia. We have 1 SMT line, 30,000 sqft of built up area and people and we are looking at business join venture with someone who has a some facilities and wants to utilise our what we have.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 03 21:40:01 EST 2020 | itmconsulting
Hey Kyle - Good for you for pushing your horizons and considering pin-in-paste (aka "Intrusive Soldering"). Don't let the nay-sayers out there discourage you. When I encounter mixed tech PCBAs (SMT and through-hole) my first choice, if the design a
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 28 03:52:19 EDT 1999 | Ron Lahat
Looking for low cost First Article workstation for PCBAs ? The environment is low Volume High Mix PCBA production There is a constant need to do firs article in all three shifts (24 hours) Currently it is not automated, it is time consuming and op
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 20 05:21:41 EDT 2016 | abhilash4788
Hi, Currently we are facing bubble formation in conformal coatings in the pcba. Have varied various specs of the conformal coating machine, even during manual application also having the same issue. the material used is silicone conformal coating. N
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 16 03:06:36 EST 1999 | Wirat S.
| | Our spec on voids is 30% ball diameter in the center. On the component to ball and pad to ball interface, we use 25%. To determine this spec, we asked around. I don't know of any studies that have been done to verify if this is OK | | | | Regard
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 20:20:00 EST 2003 | PALAKORN
I'm one incharge of PCBA manufacturing. And our company under discussion about IPC manual order. But I'm not clear to selection. Do you know in PCBA manufacturing normally which IPC number need. Thank you,
Electronics Forum | Fri May 08 20:13:35 EDT 2020 | gregoireg
This is a similar question to https://smtnet.com/Forums/index.cfm?Thread_ID=22578 but I didn't want to steal their thread. In the recent COVID-19 events, I guess that some US companies are going to think to relocate their PCBA work from Asia / China
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 25 23:09:23 EDT 2018 | franknguyen
Hi, We are PCBA production company which factory's located in Vietnam. Somtime, we have to analyse failure of product to find out the root cause (ex: Micro-crack of solder joint under BGA IC...). We are searching labs around Asia (Vietnam, Malaysia,