Electronics Forum: pcba washers

Drying PCB after contamination measurement for rework ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 13:15:16 EST 2022 | chris007

I am currently working on a manufacturing flow where some PCBA are processed with reflow oven (after being baked before processing), then cleaned with bath, then passed into contaminometer, passed into AOI. The point is after all of this, if AOI dete

PCBA rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 08 22:04:19 EST 2004 | pari

Dave i know abt the JEDEC033A specs..but this question is more of PCBA level. The baking temp and time at JEDEC is for MSD devices. I have tried to check IPC 7711 but the criteria does not mention the baking temp and time. Wandering is anyone is awar

Moisture Sensitive Devices

Electronics Forum | Fri May 05 08:11:38 EDT 2000 | Aerin Bryson

I'm new to PCBA and I'm trying to find out as much about MSD's as possible! Is there a website which would have useful info.? thanks

Epoxy Covered PCBAs Means to prevent hacking?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 22 17:41:17 EDT 2003 | pjc

I did some potting encapsulation as you mention for a customer. They supplied a two-part material custom designed. If you go this route, there are likey to be no board repair options. The epoxy cured hard as a rock. Too much damage to access devices

Flex testing of PCBA

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 15 10:32:43 EDT 2005 | Woodsmt

Does any one know of a Lab which performs mechnical flex testing of boards? I have a problem with ceramic devices cracking, and need to determine how much flex is ocurring to help in stiffiner designs. It would be helpful if the Lab is in the New Eng

PCBA Production Manufacturing Time Control

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 17:34:34 EDT 2022 | dwl

Be careful of MSL level 4 or higher devices on the first side. if they sit out 3 days, they will need to be baked before second side reflow or you risk component damage.

ICT and specifying PCBA testing

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 12:35:15 EST 2011 | rway

As the article eludes to, you still need probe access to measure the pins with TestJet. One thing I wanted to add was the use of JTAG for use with Boundary Scan. Certain devices have JTAG capability, but not all JTAG devices are Boundary Scan compa

ICT and specifying PCBA testing

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 13:35:29 EDT 2011 | jwanderl

With TestJet technology, if we want to test a 64 pin BGA, would we need probe access to each net of the device to get full coverage? If not, would I only get coverage to the pins that have probe access? In a nut shell, How exactly does it work?

Cleaning solvent for no-clean board.

Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 10:59:56 EDT 2002 | Por

All Could anybody help to let me know the effect of AXAREL 36 (Petroferm Inc.) on electronic device for cleaning PCBA application. I am process engineer and currently using Prozone solvent and Axarel 32 to be cleaning solder for smear board cleani

SMT packages that can solder inverted?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 16:13:06 EDT 2003 | Dan Gosselin

Thanks everyone for your help. I have since found a good article I am downloading of of the SMTA website. Dan Title : EFFECT OF SURFACE TENSION OF SOLDER ON UNDERSIDE DEVICE SUPPORT DURING REFLOW OF A PCBA Author : Mulugeta Abtew Author Company

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