Electronics Forum: pelco vacuum pick up system[0] (Page 1 of 1)

Vacuum Pick up Tool

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 24 15:08:13 EDT 2003 | davef

Try: * Excelta Roto-Pic� 2000A [www.excelta.com] * Porta-Wand or Vac-Pac [www.virtual-ii.com] * PELCO� Vacuum Pick-Up System [www.tedpella.com]

Looking for portable vacuum pick-up tweezers

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 15:07:33 EST 2005 | davef

Some of our troop use manual tweezers. Some use 'vacuum pens' things. Vacuum pens are manually operated, vacuum powered. Suppliers of the vacuum pens things are: * Lighter weight, lower strength ** PenVac [www.virtual-ii.com] ** Vampire ** Select


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