Electronics Forum: pem nut (Page 1 of 1)

Lead-free PCB: After Effect

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 25 07:53:12 EDT 2006 | Hussman

Board House, One last question. Could the above changes make the board more ridid? My concern is we insert Pem nuts via a press. Nothing has changed in this process except the board house. Now when ever we insert these Pem nuts the board cracks.

TM12 Feeder problem for MYDATA TP9-UPF

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 09:37:15 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

There are pem nuts on the back side of the teddy bear face. One of them probably fell off and either shorted your main board or it is lodged in the belt and pulley that drives the advancing wheels. Take the front part of the feeder off that has the t

High Altitude issues with Vacuum

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 01 21:01:26 EST 2009 | isd_jwendell

I'm at 6800 ft. The only issue I had was related to a PEM nut that was not packaged properly. There was a piece of K@pton tape that was not centered on the part and the tape would stick to the carrier. The vacuum on my machine would not allow me to

Polyimide discs for vacuum picks??

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 30 15:50:22 EDT 2013 | joeherz

Vince, We see the same disks on some parts incoming. SMT PEM nuts in tape and reel are very common. We get the parts from PENN Engineering. One of them is SMTSO-M3-4ET. PENN Engineering may be able to steer you in the right direction on who their

Set Command Variables

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 12 08:13:48 EST 2005 | pemnut

I have seen BEC holes drilled wrong also. On a couple of products We run, We insert a Pem Nut. The insertion hole is too large for BEC to read. So We have the board house drill a small hole for each array, circuit. If these smaller holes are drilled


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