Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 09:52:44 EST 2001 | dennis
Hello! I need some help! Does anyone know marking pen that is water soluble? I want to wash off marker in a cleaning machine using only hot water. I tried many different type of water soluble marking pen, but it did not come off easily.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 16:12:55 EST 2001 | davef
Years ago, we used a specialty-marking pen like you describe. The pen has: * �Fluxmarker 6135 W BELMONT CHICAGO IL 60634 / 1-312-889-8323 Illinois / All other states Toll Free 1-800-621-0080 bla bla bla � marked on the barrel. A quick search with G
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 13:37:53 EST 2001 | Scott
Crayola makes a water soluable marker. (Walmart)
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 16:56:16 EST 2001 | mparker
did you try DRY ERASE markers? ( the ones used for white boards). It's just a thought, I'm not sure if that will work. Doesn't hurt to try.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 19:37:38 EST 2001 | dennis
Thanks! dry erase does not come off easily with water. I have to use brush to remove marks. Thanks for your input anyway!
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 09:59:11 EST 2001 | Rob Fischer
Believe it or not, we use kid's markers like Crayola. Some colors come off more readily than others so you may have to experiment. We use it on aluminum so it may not be just right for you but it's an inexpensive test. Kind of made us happy when m
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 21 18:44:36 EST 2011 | rodrigo
Hi all, this machine is working pretty good now. I wanted to mark some of the bad stuff with the marker but I can't get it to do anything. The options is "installed" and the pen moves if I go to Marker Test. I thought it would put a mark when I hit
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 13:21:12 EST 2011 | rodrigo
Hi all, This machine is working good now. I wanted to mark some of the bad stuff with the marker but I can't get the marker to do anything. The options is "installed" and the pen moves if I go to Marker Test. I thought it would put a mark when I hit
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 04 18:08:26 EST 2011 | eadthem
There is a option to enable no good marking that must be enabled on the board options where you reset your board count and images. dose the marker zero on startup?. If not then it may also need enabled in the inspector settings. ead
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 04 08:12:22 EST 2011 | pvasquez
Rodrigo, I have read a couple of your posts and it is obvious that you need some training my man! You should give the boys at mirtec a call and get yourself trained up. They have a really good support team. PV