Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 08 13:05:03 EDT 2013 | markhoch
Thanks Phil!
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 00:07:10 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave
Hi David F Now I clicked on Phil's site and only got the front page. How do I or others get to the beef of this particular topic. Phil is funny and fast YiE, DDave
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 09 19:59:14 EST 2006 | davef
Check Phil Zarrow's site [ http://www.itmconsulting.org ]. Phil wrote an article on paste evaluation a few years ago.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 14:15:25 EST 2009 | paul_bmc
Hey, are you the Phil that work's up the hill? Or the Phil that sits at his desk and doesn't work up the hill?
Electronics Forum | Fri May 03 12:06:55 EDT 2013 | ericrr
For your part you took the time and trouble to do Phil it is a tremendous help. But it might pay if I do not say anymore at this stage. Thank you Phil.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 14:45:54 EST 2001 | pteerink
Thanks Pete, Looks like I got the info I needed Phil