Electronics Forum: philips and csm and 60 (Page 1 of 2)

HELP! Need CSM Toolbox & CSM optimizer for CSM60 and CSM60V

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 10:51:34 EST 2002 | rkey

Does somebody have a copy of the CSM Toolbox & CSM optimzer for the CSM60 and CSM60V. Lost my copy! And can't contact PHILIPS EMT because it doesn't exist anymore !! (www.emt.philips.com) Please help or maybe some other software package would do th


Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 05 08:14:50 EDT 2009 | propox

Hi Everybody, For this time I was using Philips CSM84V and VZ, now I bay Topaz and Emerald, nad I have ask for everyone, do anybody have manuals for this. Thanks for all help

HELP! Need CSM Toolbox & CSM optimizer for CSM60 and CSM60V

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 14:29:14 EST 2002 | larryk

RKEY, Philips changed their name to Assembleon. http://www.assembleon.com

HELP! Need MCH file to CSM84V-III and CSM66-III

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 11:51:52 EDT 2010 | arek

Hi, I bought Philips CSM machines (CSM66-III and CSM84V-III). I need flopy disc with some files (MCH, VIS, FDR). I created MCH file but the machine send me an error message: BAD FORMAT DATA. Could anyone help me and send me correct files. Thanks

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 16:39:08 EDT 2005 | dwensker

I am interested in info describing comparison following models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ. I am looking for pick and place machine for small various production. Pros and cons regarding those models are welcomed. Regards Darek

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 29 21:24:30 EDT 2005 | Paul Standeven

The CSM84 family units are 3 headed pick & place machines with mechanical chuck centering technology. They use a beam pointer for fiducial correction. The CSM84V is the same as the CSM84 but has a downward looking fiducial camera onboard in lieu of

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 30 12:31:01 EST 2005 | Darek

Thanks a lot. Shortly and clearly.

HELP! Need CSM Toolbox & CSM optimizer for CSM60 and CSM60V

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 28 08:22:21 EST 2002 | caldon


Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 29 04:26:24 EDT 2005 | dwensker

Thank you for info. Can you email detailes of CM that you think still has one in good shape with feeders to me at dwensker@roger.pl. Regards Darek

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 19:08:03 EDT 2005 | Cmiller

There was a great list on here a year or so ago with all the Philips and Yamaha #'s and what they meant so do a search on it. The VZ had programmable placement height I recall. If your in the US I know a CM that I think still has one in good shape wi

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