Electronics Forum: philips gem series standard topaz (Page 1 of 1)

Assembleon GEM series 380V/400V

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 09:27:49 EDT 2020 | zombee

Dear friends, We have a pack of Philips/Assembleon pick and place machines, from CSM and GEM series. I want to set up a "new" Emerald machine, it had been working in Germany 1.5 year ago. It has 3-phase connector. I noticed that it was set

Philips Topaz & Emerald Valuations

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 05 16:52:19 EDT 2004 | KEN

Not popular??? I believe its #2 in sales for the GEM series. I recenly installed a used Emerald 4K hours for 40K$.

Philips Topaz - is there any way to use it to place parts 11 - 13mm tall?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 11:01:12 EDT 2019 | robl

There may be other ways around it - there is some excellent 3rd party support for the old GEM series especially in Europe and the UK, but I'm guessing you are in the USA?

Re: Pick and Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 05 18:09:38 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | We are trying to decide between a Contact Systems Model 3AV or a Multitronix Model DHM120 P&P machine. Any advice or feedback would be apreciated. | | | | Joe | | | Why not consider the Philips Topaz. The worlds number one seller in mid-range p

Juki2000 vs YamahaYV100 or 88

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 04 17:46:22 EDT 2001 | Marshall

The YV100X is Phillips TopazX in the U.S. while the YV88 is the Emerald. Now, We find the Juki's 2020 and 2030 more superior than Yamaha's or Philip's because of their flexibility in component handling and the standard features that come with the Juk


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