Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 02 07:16:55 EDT 2006 | philips
hi Efren, 25k/month means this will come 1000 units per day(25days) so 500 for 1 shift, so by using following method u can easily produce ur target. MPM AP25 - XP-142 - XP142 - XP243 - VITRONICS reflow, this is the best method, by using optimastic pr
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 02 11:52:40 EDT 1998 | Dick Casagrande
We are investigating equipment for a new SMT line. We are an OEM doing thru hole assembly and now must decide whether to do SM assembly in house or sub-contract out. We are a low volume/high board mix company. Our boards are mixed tech with SM on bot
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 08 13:33:07 EDT 1998 | Brad Kendall
For pick and place, I have worked with the Zevatech machines and Philips machines. Both are great machines. The Zevatech will give you greater speed and still offer great accuracy and repeatability. Don't let the belt drive stuff scare you, it sta
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 06 12:46:22 EDT 1998 | Phillip Hunter
| We are investigating equipment for a new SMT line. We are an OEM doing thru hole assembly and now must decide whether to do SM assembly in house or sub-contract out. We are a low volume/high board mix company. | Our boards are mixed tech with SM on
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 10:53:22 EDT 2005 | cmiller
The Advantis was more accurate than the turret, so he claimed. The Single beam (dual lead screw drive-this is not a GSM 1) flex machine is $125K the Lightning is $150K. They changed the pricing in 2004. I was quoted a Topaz XII at $187K. I know Phili
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 09 18:19:00 EDT 2000 | Miguel Lizarraga
Hi, Is there a way to program off Line an orion PHILIPS smt machine ? How ? Thank you
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 14:59:41 EDT 2005 | cmiller
Doug, my previous perception of Universal was the same as yours. $$$$. (plus we already have Philips equipment) The new software is really good. They are price competitive. They make the machines for the North American market in NY. They probably had
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 09:08:24 EDT 2005 | cmiller
You might want to look at Universal's Advantis machines. I visited thier factory a few months ago in NY. They are building a LOT of machines so they must be selling a lot of them. I have been to two places that have them installed and the lightning h
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 18:16:26 EDT 2005 | URI
Look into the Juki KE-2060E machine. I have been > extremely pleased with this machine. It will > hold 80-8mm feeders, place 0201 (0603-metric) up > to 74mm square ICs and BGA, 150mm long > connectors. Up to 25mm tall components. It can > ha
Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 09:14:08 EDT 2007 | stefi
Hi, We have a very annoying problem with a Philips Orion 2 SMT machine. It displays the error message "Second Limit Over" a few times per shift and it's impossible to make the machine work again unless it is turned off from the mains. It stops in th
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