Electronics Forum: philips sapphire m/c (Page 1 of 2)

Looking for a philips Saphire

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 07 04:53:12 EST 2008 | vinitverma

Hi Wayne, First, all Gem machines including Topaz, TopazX, Sapphire, etc... have the same feeders. You can use either FV feeders (which were the ones when Topaz was introduced), or CL feeders (which came when Topaz X was introduced). Both types of f

Philips Sapphire users......

Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 18:35:04 EDT 2001 | Robert.Culpepper@Transcore.com

Were not placing 0402s nor do we have a Sapphire. We are placing 0603's with both the Topaz and Emerald though without any problems. I would like to ask you if you are using any programming software for CAD conversions such as PPS or Unicam and your

Assembleon / Philips Sapphire manuals

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 06 15:20:00 EST 2011 | ekki511

Hi together we have just bought a assembleon Sapphire mashine vintage 1998. We are a smal hungaria smt assembling company and need very urgently the manuals. The seller didnt tell, that they are not included . Is there anyone who could please send

Philips Sapphire users......

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 21:31:08 EDT 2001 | Dean

I would like to hear from all Philips Sapphire users about your successes and failures when placing 0402 parts. 1. Are you using type 51 / 57 nozzles? 2. Special vacuum check? 3. How are you calibrating your vacuum sensors? 4. Have you expe

Yamaha/Philips Model Number Cross References

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 18 03:00:24 EDT 2005 | Base

Eclipse/Emerald: Yamaha #88 Orion / Topaz: Yamaha #100 Sapphire: Yamaha #112 Yamaha typically uses the number of usable feeder-positions as their model number. Greets, Base

Philips Sapphire connectivity...

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 19:05:45 EST 2010 | alexmiri

At the company I work with we have some Phillips Sapphire and Emerald machines, I work at the IT department, Production is asking me if there is a way instead of using floppy's put a converter and use USB, or even better is there a way to put the mac

Re: SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 08 10:00:58 EDT 1998 | John Ryder

Mike, Check out the Philips website at www.philips-ia.com and look at the FCM and the GEM Sapphire. The Sanyo/Universal is a fine chipshooter, but the Philips FCM is unmatched in pure speed, cost per placement and cost per square foot. If the Sanyo/U

Front camera needed

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 14:59:44 EST 2000 | hany a. salam

Hello there: We urgently need a 45mm FRONT CAMERA to be installed on a Philips pick & place M/C. The M/C model is EMERALD & it is one of the GEM line series. The camera should manage to visualize the BGA components. Please if anyone can give a hand

advice on used P&P

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 21 22:54:04 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

There's often a US company on eBay called firstplacemachinery , username starbillias. List all sorts of old SMT and currently that incudes a sapphire and this statement "We also have a Philips Eclipse and Orion if interested." No idea what they are l

Topaz Off-line software.

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 19:02:55 EST 2004 | Frank Gearhart - Assembl�on Snr. Software Technical Specialist

The OS/2 software you are referring to is the CSM-PPS v3 which was released in 1999, it is now out of service. The current software for optimizing, balancing, and generating programs for a Topaz and other Gem machines off-line, is GemLine-PPS v8.0,

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