Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 02 07:16:55 EDT 2006 | philips
hi Efren, 25k/month means this will come 1000 units per day(25days) so 500 for 1 shift, so by using following method u can easily produce ur target. MPM AP25 - XP-142 - XP142 - XP243 - VITRONICS reflow, this is the best method, by using optimastic pr
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 08 11:14:15 EST 2007 | slthomas
Of that list, I've only worked with Panasonic. Complex, fast chipshooters but noisy, a little clunky on the operator interface but the MSH's were vintage 1997 or so. The MPAV2B wasn't as accurate as I think it should have been but it got the job done
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 14:43:28 EST 2019 | SMTA-Andy
Would like to get feedback on realignment of an SMT line with loader/unloader, printer, p&p and 16' oven. What tech would be good to use if doing it ourselves? (Lasers, etc?) What companies can be recommended for a professional job?
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 02 11:52:40 EDT 1998 | Dick Casagrande
We are investigating equipment for a new SMT line. We are an OEM doing thru hole assembly and now must decide whether to do SM assembly in house or sub-contract out. We are a low volume/high board mix company. Our boards are mixed tech with SM on bot
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 01 10:29:46 EDT 2012 | anton99
Thanks dyoungquist and tech 1, Things have been crazy lately installing Mylabel and keeping up with customer demand. I have been looking into buying more reels for the high runners (caps, resistors, IC’s that we use a lot) and I think we have a shot
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 08 13:33:07 EDT 1998 | Brad Kendall
For pick and place, I have worked with the Zevatech machines and Philips machines. Both are great machines. The Zevatech will give you greater speed and still offer great accuracy and repeatability. Don't let the belt drive stuff scare you, it sta
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 06 12:46:22 EDT 1998 | Phillip Hunter
| We are investigating equipment for a new SMT line. We are an OEM doing thru hole assembly and now must decide whether to do SM assembly in house or sub-contract out. We are a low volume/high board mix company. | Our boards are mixed tech with SM on
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 08:32:20 EST 2020 | SMTA-Ken
Volume dictates throughput required. High-Volume = Requires redundant processes, Two Lines. Mid-Volume = Dual Lane or Two Lines. Low-Volume = Single Line. So Mid-Volume is the only volume scenario that a case for dual lane could be made. Dual Lane :
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 15:06:47 EST 2023 | dontfeedphils
Then you must be missing a piece of the software suite because I was able to keep and maintain "master" programs on the IS server and then create "job" programs each time they ran a job and those were sent to the machines from a central line control
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 10:53:22 EDT 2005 | cmiller
The Advantis was more accurate than the turret, so he claimed. The Single beam (dual lead screw drive-this is not a GSM 1) flex machine is $125K the Lightning is $150K. They changed the pricing in 2004. I was quoted a Topaz XII at $187K. I know Phili
Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab
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