Electronics Forum: philips topaz head i/o (Page 1 of 4)

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 13:42:12 EST 2007 | etienne

To answer your question: During my experience with Topaz machines, we had to replace 4 Heads on different occassions with different operators involved. Also I encountered several Head crashes with Eclipse machines. To buy such replacements here in Ma

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 30 00:14:36 EST 2007 | vinitverma

ET, With due regards to your '7 years experience', I must say that in my 11 years experience, this is the first time I am hearing about head replacement on a Topaz. On the Eclipse it is easy for an operator to make a mistake by moving the head manua

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 17 10:24:17 EST 2007 | etienne

Hi, I can give my opinion in this topic since I worked with both machines. To say the truth, I would recommend neither machine. First of all, operating software is much quite the same for both machines. The TP9 is true that has a larger footprint ov

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 15:21:44 EST 2007 | wayne123

I was not trying to imply that you didn't know how to run these machines I was simply saying that alot of problems that people may encounter can be solved with operating them correctly, I am sorry if you took offense to this, I too have performed all

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 13:27:21 EST 2007 | etienne

People not knowing how to use them...surely not my case........I have worked for more than 7 years with a Topaz and always performed the maintenance and repairs on my own without the assistance of field service engineers!!! Please respect cause I kno

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 08 09:19:53 EDT 2006 | Larry

Samsung vs. Assembleon We currently have both Samsung/Dynatech and Assembleon Equipment. We started with two Samsung machines but the support, flexibility, component range, accuracy and speed of their machines just wasn�t there. The difference betw

Philips / Assembleon / Yamaha Topaz Xii start up issue - handshake error

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 02:43:37 EDT 2014 | tjbooc

CHECK IO BOARDS STATUS, CHECK HEAD IO 24VDC SUPPLY, CHECK 24VDC SUPPLY TERMINAL, CHECK WIRING CONNECTED TO HEAD IO I think this is an I/O communication problem. Fail in connecting to I/O cards.


Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 10:45:45 EST 2012 | acsscott

Thanks for the password. There is a 7 pin connector for the Emergency stop in and out. It has a mate with a jumper wire attached to the Topaz end. If you put the jumpered mating connector on this, the emergency stop errors go away. The other conn

Philips Topaz X change nozzle FNC

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 11:01:14 EST 2017 | robertorocco

I have one Topaz X FNC machine with this problem. The head 2 FNC not change the nozzle. The head 4-6-8 is ok and change, but head 2 no, when he tries to change the nozzle he gives me an error message. What could be the problem?

Philips Topaz - conveyor motor doesn't work

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 01:05:24 EDT 2015 | rgarcia0626

I'm not familiar with you machine but it seems the problem is not the motor. if there's a manual I/O, switch on your conveyor from there and check if there's a voltage going into the motor.Check the control boards for the conveyor, relays and sensors

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