Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 08 04:39:15 EST 2016 | sarason
It does VIOS 1.21. and 1.23 as well as the YP/YG stuff if that Phillips Topaz speaks any of these Assembleon/Philips/Yamaha dialects you are in luck. regards sarason
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 01:15:35 EDT 2008 | benefon
If you have your panel programmed as blocks (as opposed to expanded) two quick ways come to mind: 1. either use block badmarks to mark those blocks that you want to skip or 2. goto Block Repeat Info and mark and set the block that you want to skip as
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 30 19:48:14 EDT 2008 | snsmt
I have a block programmed and i want the machine to just do one block at a time instead of doing the whole panel (each panel has 56 PCBs) at once and skipping around. how would i do that? thanks in advance steven
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 15:20:39 EDT 2008 | slthomas
1) Is it possible that there is another program for the board w/o without the block conversion? Renaming instead of copying the file to a new name is one mistake I won't make again! 2) Are there "notes" in the last column of the placement data? If t
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 10:35:12 EST 2016 | chris_jayconsystems_com
Does your program output files for Assembleon Topaz Xii?
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 10:35:51 EDT 2021 | vasu278
Can anyone help me where i can get cad2cad software for offline programming in topaz machines
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 13:49:08 EDT 2021 | vasu278
Can anyone help me where i can get cad2cad software for offline programming in topaz machines
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 14:12:28 EDT 2021 | sarason
Use my program PCBSynergy https://pcbsynergy.com It has VIOS geneartion in it pretty much identical to the files that CAD2CAD generates. sarason
Electronics Forum | Tue May 24 05:52:09 EDT 2016 | nikkilouie
Hi everybody, right now we are having a second hand machine of philips. the topaz and eclipse and unfortunately it dont have any manuals and no one from our team knows that machines. so im looking for anyone could give any user, programming and parts
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 15:56:51 EST 2018 | sarason
PI, My program PCBSynergy will program VIOS from a CSV file. https://pcbsynergy.com You can generate the CSV using Visualplace from your gerber file. https://www.compuphase.com/visualplace/visualplace_en.htm sarason
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