Electronics Forum: phillips ax spare parts (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Siemens siplace for high mix/medium to low volume

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 09:36:46 EDT 1998 | RNLM

| Is cost an issue? I evaluated Siemens Siplace about a year ago and the price per placement was twice what Phillips Machinery has to offer. We too are a high mix/low PCb count shop. Also, Siemens has many hidden costs and the references I talked

First time Pick and Place Machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 09:23:05 EDT 2017 | sumote

I am not going to give you any names of equipment manufacturers as I believe most people tend to recommend only what they are familiar with. I have my favorites as, likely, most everyone else does as well. What I will tell you is equally important.


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