Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 09:11:51 EST 2014 | rgduval
The centering jaws are made out of copper, I believe...and conductive. I'd suggest that the conductivity of the copper makes it a fairly poor source of ESD damage in a component. I have observed physical damage to components from the centering jaws
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 20:12:02 EST 2003 | franklam
Back to square one, is your monitor physically damaged or is it mulfunctioned? Try the local monitor repairing tech's, may give u a surprise. We had the one at the front panel fixed by a local repairing guy here,(cheap $75). It works.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 05 04:42:44 EST 2006 | Rob
Hi Mariss, "water soluable flux residue to somehow damage the X7R capacitors" I think you are looking into the wrong area. Yes flux is aggressive and can lead to problems, however it would not single out X7R capacitors above capacitors of other di
Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 11:23:11 EDT 2001 | rwilliams
I have been tasked with determining the Life of a Solder Stencil and how to track it. (Basically, how do we know when to replace the stencil, E.g., deterioration of print quality, physical damage, etc.) Obviously there are a lot of variables, but is
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 09:33:17 EDT 2004 | russ
there is always risk in rework, multiple heat cycles, overall temp, physical damage, etc... As far as I know the risks are the same with a programmed part as with any other part. If there is great concern or multiple rework actions you may want to
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 20 07:56:42 EST 2024 | jpsmyth
I would suggest checking if the fan is balanced correctly, contamination, damage/wear also physical damage of the impellor blades will show themselves as the fan spins up. If the fan hits the magic resonance frequency the imbalance will multiply and
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 28 08:26:40 EDT 2004 | curious
What are the defects you see when the stencil is over 50 n/cm? I can't recall ever seeing a (stencil caused) defect that wasn't a dent, ding or some other physical damage, and I would have a very hard time sending back a stencil that is working fine,
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 03 12:21:15 EST 2005 | Chunks
Lets get to the simple things. Wave or Reflow? Wave soldered parts have a higher susceptibility to physical damage until they are waved. That�s were I normally see this type of break. Usually, the crack is a circular pattern in the cap if it�s fr
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 14:09:39 EDT 2022 | ttheis
Allowing a part to go over the board boundaries can cause collisions when boards are nested. The software on these machines has limitations but it is plenty capable and rooted in preventing physical damage to the machine. Once you are familiar with t
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 11 14:15:28 EDT 2000 | Gary
I am looking for some details about the failure modes in popcorned components. Does the component usually fail to operate. Is the damage likely to extend to the gold bond, wires, or substrate. We have experienced a high failure rate on a subset of