Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 01:50:32 EST 2014 | gyverlo
Dear all, Our company is using middle speed pick and place machines for LCD TV power boards and am considering to use high speed pick and place machines. Are there any methods to evaluate the profitability of implementing high speed ones? Thanks,
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 09:52:49 EST 2014 | emeto
Whenever your line doesn't cover your requirements and you can't build your boards in schedule, it is time to go to higher throughput machines. Of course you should have some contracts for the next year or two that will cover your line. You should kn
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 05:15:40 EST 2014 | spoiltforchoice
Take a look at the ROI tools supplied my MyData and others and draw inspiration from there. Presumably if you are looking at a higher speed line you are looking at higher throughput than you currently achieve or possibly fewer/shorter shifts? The eco
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 21:07:16 EST 2014 | sarason
You should ask yourself a bunch of questions before you consider going down this path. The first being where are the bottlenecks in your existing line and is there anything you can do to eliminate or decrease there bottleneckness (made up word). I
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 15:14:43 EDT 2006 | mfoster
Hi Phil, Most parts are still available for the Quad/Samsung QSA-30, through Dynatech (in North America). It is actually a single gantry, 3 spindle machine with rated speed of 14,000 cph. As with any used machine, it could be a great deal or a not
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 23:18:03 EDT 2013 | feiyangniao
There is a new toy I received today: a NeoDen TM-240A automatic desktop pick and place machine! I’ve kept my eyes on this baby for a quite a while, and finally decided to make a purchase last week. The shipping was very fast: DHL from China, a total
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 13:16:57 EDT 2018 | harlymh
Would you recommend a Yamaha Pick and place? In terms of reliability, accuracy, cph? We're looking for a pick and place that can deliver a 50 micron accuracy. What brands do you recommend for high accuracy placements?
Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 09:59:38 EDT 2007 | burrolaj
I have a L20 pick & place and i was wondering if there is a certain way I have to set-up the feeders.If there is..how do I do it.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 06 11:12:57 EST 2008 | janz
Hello, One of our pick and place machine uses rietschel vaccum pump. It is making lot of noise. I am in searching alternative solution which could be venturi pumps. Does anyone has experince in changing vaccum pump to venturi system.? What should
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