Electronics Forum: piloting (Page 1 of 5)

Need Help on getting the Genrad Pilot S20

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 11 12:53:47 EDT 2008 | chiptargets

Hi, We have recently bought a Genrad Pilot S20 for our analysis lab. The equipment worked before it was sent to us. However, after receiving it, we were able to power up but with multiple error. Since we don't have any experience running the flyi

LOOKING FOR TUTOR: Seica S20 pilot flying probe tester

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 16:30:48 EDT 2016 | proy

We have been studying and learing how to work with an older Seica Pilot (S20 software) flying probe tester. A third party company has been very helpful but they are not that familiar with the S20 software. Looking for someone with knowledge of the S2

Successful Transfers to Contract Manufacturers

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 13:40:55 EDT 1999 | Corey Peterson

As I transfer prototypes/pilots out of my shop (because the designs are mature or Engineering confidence is high). How do I minimize my risk and ensure success for both the CEM and my group. This would include low tech as well as higher tech boards

Frequency to verify the reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 15:22:36 EDT 2005 | peter ng

The correct Frequency to verify your reflow profile is about one week except when you replaced the part,equipment,the channel setting of the oven or running pilot lots.The period of the Themal board is around 50 times.

Reflow Oven with Vacuum System

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 12:11:11 EDT 2010 | sjohnson

We have been doing pilot runs with vacuum installed on vapor phase. Voids are down but bridges are up on the .5mil BGAs.

Frequency to verify the reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 04:16:27 EDT 2005 | Bryan She

Background: We use a thermal boards to setup/profiling the reflow oven for pilot run.and then daily verify the reflow profile with this thermal board.Now we phased into LF production,and the LF thermal board can only withstand 25~30 times reflow excu


Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 20:57:37 EDT 2005 | smtuser1234

None taken...but if you are comparing Mydata and Assembleon to Universal just because of ease of use you should probably not buy Universal. It's like buying a palm pilot vs a desktop computer. Close in price but one will do a lot more but you will ne

Board support issues

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 14:57:11 EDT 2001 | ert002

We are printing 0.012" apertures on a .012" Solder mask defined pad in a fine pitch BGA application. The board is 0.032" thick with very little room on the bottom to place support pins under these areas. Our first pilot proved extremely difficult to

MPM Accuflex

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 23:23:03 EDT 2003 | Dean

Fastek is right. There is only one way to compare machines. You need a feature matrix, performance matrix, cost matrix. If you don't sort machines by class you could compare two completely dissimilar machines and not fufill your goal of equipment

Dream SMT Line

Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 08:30:52 EDT 2004 | pjc

For any application- high-mix, low volume to low-mix high-volume: J.O.T. Automation board handling MPM UltraFlex 3000 printer CyberOptics SE300 3D post print inspector 2x Mydata Synergy II w/ Linear Magazines and Agilis feeders CyberOptics Flex

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