Electronics Forum: placed (Page 1 of 793)

Offset for placed components?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 19 09:35:56 EDT 2004 | russ

IPC 610

Offset for placed components?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 03:23:55 EDT 2004 | Evtimov

Thanks Russ!

0402 placed by CP3

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 14 20:49:33 EST 2000 | Ian T

does anyone know if a 0402 can be placed by a FUJI CP3, i can pick them but the vision doesn't read it. any help would be appreciated. Ian T

Offset for placed components?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 19 03:21:19 EDT 2004 | Evtimov

Hello all! Can you tell me what is the allowed offset for placed SMD component? Let's say for 0603 package(1.5mm,0.75mm the offset could be 0.2mm in X and Y ....) Where can I read about it? Thank you in advance.

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 12:53:56 EDT 2014 | demzvill

Yes it will electrically but on the appearance side it is no good. Does it have something to do with the feeder or the nozzle?

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 22:55:12 EDT 2014 | demzvill

Thank you for all the suggestions.I will conduct evaluation bbase on our discussions God bless

H49s crystals been placed

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 15:04:54 EDT 2013 | ericrr

Is it just possible that H49s crysats are hard to place, so it looks like it has been place by a perfectionistic instead of looked like it had a parachute type loading. This is the H49 short stubby type crystal about 10 mm long (width) about 4.5 mm

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 11:51:15 EDT 2014 | rway

Your target ppm in on the Juki machine a take it. So it's rejecting these parts due to the inversion? Any way to disable this. A right-side down resistor is not ideal, but it will certainly work electrically. Reese

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 14:04:08 EDT 2014 | rway

Perhaps neither. I assume the part is T&R. It's flipping inside the tape before placement. I don't know how the nozzle could be doing it. There could be excess vibration on the feeder which is causing the part to flip. Just a thought.

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 17:13:44 EDT 2014 | grauen06

I have seen this on a MyDATA machine and we had to slow our feed rate of the feeder down. That seemed to do the trick. We concluded the carrier tape was too large for the part, but our vendor didn't really seem to care.

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