Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 23:21:30 EDT 2001 | oem boy
I am working on 0201 development for my company in the UK, and I am planning a rather extensive DOE for my reflow oven profile. I am planning on studying various ramp rates, soak times, times above liquidus, peak temps, etc... My biggest concern
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 16:39:29 EST 2012 | triadelectronics
Our company is going to attempt to place 0201 components using our Fuji CP4-3 with the upgraded SMD3 vision system. Count On Tools is providing the 0.4 mm nozzles and we are using our 8mmX2mm feeders with the 0.7mm tape leaf (if it works at all we w
Electronics Forum | Sun May 31 16:07:25 EDT 1998 | Alain De Bock
Is there anyone who knows what the influence is of the dip-fluxing process on the placement accuracy of a flip-chip. If you perform dip-fluxing after component alignment, the component may be displaced on the nozzle; if you perform component alignmen
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 16:08:18 EST 2005 | russ
Maybe this number is only for the ones that actually got placed!? Like, we had a 15% pick error rate but the ones that did make it were great! So the 1.33 CPK was in regards to what parameter/specifications? accuracy, pick error, or what?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 07:01:56 EST 2005 | pjc
These guys http://www.cetaq-americas.com/index.shtml have the CmController that can do the measurement to back up the p&p vendor's claim. A CpK of 1.33 ain't bad. Would like to see 2.0. The picking is critical too. Ask vendors for pick accuracy and
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 18:21:52 EDT 2020 | proceng1
I've had components move in the pocket and cause mis-picks. Generally, the part moves, but settles in the pocket after a moment. So I slowed down the pick up speed. It gave the part in the feeder a chance to settle before picking.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 12:58:01 EST 2020 | joeljacobo
Hi everyone, I hope you can help me with this matter. We have a Hanwha SM482 machine and a series of projects involving many 0201 components (resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.) will be carried out. Making the prototypes I noticed that there is
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 08:28:16 EDT 2020 | pickplace
Hi Jacobo, it would be importatn to know what kind of error the machine is displaying. Are the chips in paper or plasic tape? Did you check pickup coordinates and hight? Have you many false edge pick vision errors? Then I would switch off the tombest
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 19 21:54:04 EST 2003 | tvd911
Hi everyone, is someone in this forum familiar with the accuracy of placement. What is that number tell us. Appreciate for your attention.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 12:10:20 EST 2003 | frank
Well, let me take a shot... +/-100um = 0.1mm 5 sigma = is the number of acceptable defects (or placements outside of that accuracy (or tolerance). I believe 5 sigma is 233 defects out of 1 million, but I could be wrong on that. So basically all pl