Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 11 22:11:23 EDT 2001 | davef
Have three or four contact assemblers quote your product. That becomes the "put-up or shut-up" number for your in-house assembly operation.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 13:08:18 EDT 2001 | Vince
Our company is considering venturing into new territory and developing an electronic product. Would anyone have any links to sites that offer general information on developing cost for electronic manufacture? Essentially, I'd like to find out what
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 01:24:01 EST 2020 | sarason
http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ sarason
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 17:15:08 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex
All the TM feeders are obsolete. So, you won't find anything on them from Mycronic. The TM8FC is the one you want for 0402s.
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 23 14:29:30 EST 2020 | midast
Hi We are looking on buying a used MY19. When comparing, the TPSYS version seems to be a major thing. What is TPSYS? Firmware? OS Version? How much does a TPsys upgrade cost? Is it something I can do? Can TM8 feeders handle 0402 reliably? I saw th
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 16:33:47 EST 2020 | midast
Thanks för the reply. I can't find any info on any feeders/magazines except for the Agillis. What is the difference between tm8,tm8c and tm8fc? Tried to search for Fp feeders also no luck. I've got an account on Myspace on mycronics. There's also
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 15:28:07 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex
TPSys is the machine operating system, proprietary from Mydata (Mycronic, now). It's based on Linux. You have to purchase the upgrades from Mycronic. Depending on which version you're upgrading from, the cost might vary. If the machine you're buying
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 06:08:42 EST 2001 | John Paul
Hi,Just wondering about the usage of diaster recovery planning for engineering.Due to the current climate we have been asked to develop a plan by a major O.E.M customer. just looking for input from other sites on the layout, proceedure etc. Risk ass
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 09:31:11 EDT 2002 | Mark S.
As part of our Efficiency Improvement Plan I have been tasked at determining the Key Production Indicators from available production data. So I thought I would ask others what they thought were 1) the top production indicators for their facilites 2)
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 08:42:53 EST 1999 | Wayne Bracy
Steve: Basic, there are 5 P's Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance or Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance if you like 6 P's Wayne