Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 22 10:38:30 EST 2002 | slthomas
The follwing is from the Technet archives, per IPC's Jack Crawford. I dug it up during some investigation of a supplier's issues with humidity in an Asian plant: There is support for this in IPD-HDBK-001 w/Amendment 1 Handbook and Guide to Suppleme
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 25 08:39:15 EDT 2007 | gsala
If plastic Carrier Tape (CT)/ emboss tape, is made by: a)Polycarbonate material, it can withstand temperature around 120C� or may be more mantaining original dimension. b)Polystirene material, at max 45�C-50C� the CT starts to change dimensions and
Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 15:45:37 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| Looking to buy used or new tubes, that will fit an SOIC-16 | Need these tubes ASAP. We need to bake these parts and drypack. | Please email or call if you can help. | Eric Jenkins | 801 956-0897 Eric I'm not sure of the manufacturer of the parts th
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 24 21:35:34 EDT 2002 | davef
Ooooo, much better. Tough to say, because of all the variables [ie, different materials, moisture level, temperature, etc]. Plastic encapsulated devices, especially IC, absorb water from the air, which is violently released during soldering. Typica
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 20 15:39:31 EST 2001 | fmonette
To my knowledge, the 40C was established as the maximum "safe temperature" for all tape and reel packaging. The actual specs may vary somewhat for different types of reel, pocket-tape, cover-tape but you must be concerned with the cover tape adhesive
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 22 09:27:18 EST 2008 | davef
IPC-HDBK-001 w/Amendment 1 Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001 (Includes J-STD-001B to C Comparison). During fabrication and storage, both components and PWBs will often absorb water. If left in the device, this water will vaporize at solderi
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 12:57:26 EDT 2008 | sleech
You are correct. For the 70 deg. C drying temperature to be effective, the relative humidity must be as near to zero as possible. A pulling a vacuum on the chamber is an inexprensive and reliable way to accomplish this. Contrary to some claims, our e
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 17 02:50:44 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis
| Have an SRT w/preheat, 18 layer board all copper, 456 BGA needs to be removed and replaced. The manufacturer is Chip Express and during reflow it warps up or down. Causing either opens or shorts on the corners. I was using gel flux with multiple
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 15:10:55 EST 2000 | Francois Monette
Victor, here are a few more elements of information to answer your question. Both the temperature and relative humidity on the manufacturing floor have a significant impact relative to the rate of diffusion of moisture inside a plastic package and t
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 09:03:00 EST 2001 | fmonette
This guideline is actually in the IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-033, May 1999 (although it is not spelled out very clearly, thus the current confusion in the industry). The technical reason is that moisture diffusion is a very slow process. Once parts ha