Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 13 10:19:35 EDT 1999 | Boca
| | We are using a mixed technology process with mostly through-hole parts plus some SMT IC's on the component side and some passive SMT parts on the solder side. We do not have a proper wave soldering machine for doing solder side SMT (double wave
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 28 18:08:07 EDT 2002 | MikeF
This looks like it may be a good application for an Air-Vac or Wenesco type solder station. It is a solder pot that has a small motor to pump solder up through a chimney. You can put different nozzles on the top of the chimney, so you only apply sold
Electronics Forum | Mon May 11 17:35:01 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory
On 11 May, 1998 Todd wrote: | We are having continuous bridging problems with the trailing | leads on a 26-pin D-sub through-hole connector. The pitch is | 0.100". The connector is going through the wave at approximately | a 20 Degree angle. Does
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