Electronics Forum: platform (Page 1 of 46)

Fuji AIM platform

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 19 20:20:50 EDT 2005 | fastek

I might be over simplifying this but what I understand is the AIM is a more economical version of the NXT and that AIM will replace the XP platform.

Universal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 00:25:16 EST 2021 | ttheis

My company has a line with two GSM1 machines. We are planning a second line and considering the Advantis AC-72 or AC-30 models but I have a few questions I was hoping someone could chime in on. 1. Are the GSM feeders capable of being used on the Adv

Fuji AIM platform

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 14:51:18 EDT 2005 | CMiller

Does any one out there have one of these machines? How are they?

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 11 00:41:37 EST 2021 | ttheis

Thanks, Kathy! I appreciate the information.

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 20 16:13:10 EST 2021 | ttheis

Thanks for the details. We are used to older gsm interfaces so I imagine the advantis updates will be an improvement for us.

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 14:59:43 EST 2021 | ilavu

Tom, Go with AC-30 for LEDs. Stay away from Flexjet heads (AC72).

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 25 21:31:41 EST 2021 | ttheis

Thanks for the feedback, Tushar.

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 19:12:36 EDT 2021 | dilogic

Can you share with us actual placement rate, I am just curious...

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 19:10:35 EST 2022 | ilavu

Hi Tom, How is Advantis is working out for you?

Universal Advantis platform maintenance

Electronics Forum | Fri May 02 15:07:33 EDT 2008 | kpm135

I am looking for feedback on the Universal Advantis platform. I would like the opinions of any one who has used this system on how difficult it is to maintain. I'm interested in hearing about how much time and effort is needed to perform maintenance

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