4 platinum ceramic frit wetting results

Electronics Forum: platinum ceramic frit wetting (Page 1 of 1)

Palladium poor wetting

Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 03:31:17 EDT 2006 | slaine

Hi I manufacture ceramic parts that have a terminations that are palladium/platinum/silver or any combination of the 3. Termination Ink usually consists of 3 main parts the alloy, glass frit and binder. Binder is to help bind everything together whi

Transient Voltage Suppressors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 11:59:50 EST 1999 | Ray Morford

AVX and a few other companies make these chip transient voltage suppressors (TVS) parts that are a real *PAIN* to use. According to AVX: "Due to the semiconducting nature of the doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO) ceramic material, SMT TransGuards are no

Re: Transient Voltage Suppressors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 20:19:46 EST 1999 | Dean

| AVX and a few other companies make these chip transient voltage suppressors (TVS) parts that are a real *PAIN* to use. According to AVX: | "Due to the semiconducting nature of the doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO) ceramic material, SMT TransGuards ar

Re: Transient Voltage Suppressors

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 05:11:47 EST 1999 | Charles Stringer

| | AVX and a few other companies make these chip transient voltage suppressors (TVS) parts that are a real *PAIN* to use. According to AVX: | | "Due to the semiconducting nature of the doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO) ceramic material, SMT TransGuard


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