Electronics Forum: point (Page 1 of 373)

Melting point

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 11:29:45 EDT 2000 | �ngelo Marques

Hello, Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee The melting point of solder PB-Free its to higher do you now the lower temperature of an PB-Free and its constitution. Its true if the solder paste have in its constitution a Bismut component the melting point its lower?

Selective soldering ( point to point soldering)

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 20 16:11:19 EST 2004 | MP

I am searching for tabletop/stand-alone point to point soldering equipment. What do you recommend for a low/medium price range? I tried Automation Unlimited, it appears they are no longer in business. thanks MP

Selective soldering ( point to point soldering)

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 20 16:27:34 EST 2004 | pjc

have a look at these: http://www.necoa.com/products/apex-c2-s.shtml http://www.mta.ch/download/SOUDAGE_ANG.PDF http://www.jusmech.com http://www.chiphua.com/robot.html http://www.jmax.co.jp/e_ntx811.html http://www.horiuchielectronics.co.jp/e

Test the solder point

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 03:54:49 EST 1999 | jacky

Hello,everyone, I want to know how I can test the reliability of the solder point.And now we just push or pull the components to test the reliability of solder point,but I don't know if there is any measure of the power applied to the component

via as test point

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 26 12:26:43 EST 2001 | CAM

I'm working a problem and looking for your input. Here the deal: Two sided mix technology board. Test is using unmasked via points on bottom for test points. Our fab drawing states tent via points on top side. First set of board came in with no tenti

Re: Melting point

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 08:55:39 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Dr. Lee: Taking a tangent on your response ... When talking about alternate solders. Bismuth forms an alloy with lead with a melting point of 93�C. Are there special conditions that cause this alloy to form? Or does the alloy form commonly when

Re: Melting point

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 15:34:55 EDT 2000 | Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee

An example of very low melting point Pb-free solder is 58Bi/42Sn. Different versions of this alloys have been tried, such as doping with various additives, in order to enhance the reliability further. Yes, Bi is one element which promises low mp for

Re: Melting point

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 17:15:25 EDT 2000 | Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee

The ternary SnPbBi phase does form commonly when Pb and Bi are combined. No special condition required. Presence of this phase jeopardizes the reliability for applications involving temperature near 96C. Using low temperature solders means a lower s

Solderball melting point

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 08:39:38 EDT 2017 | jefri_simorangkir

we are turning on the printer, suddenly the printer is off after checking there is solderball on pad capacitor component 0603 our question is what can a solderball stuck on one pad can when melting and causing shortsolder (being connected with other

via as test point

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 26 20:02:42 EST 2001 | davef

First, I don�t understand why your board fabricator can�t do a good job plugging your vias. Additionally, when you consider that they forgot to plug the first batch of boards, it makes me wonder if they are desirable as a supplier. Generally, we us

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