Electronics Forum | Sun May 16 00:07:58 EDT 2010 | tpappano
I have a Philips CSM84VZ. There are offset calibrations that compensate the X and Y distances from the camera to the heads and the beam pointer. Perhaps yours is similar and just needs a small Y adjustment for the beam pointer.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 06:49:12 EDT 2009 | smt99
that's great, I have looked them up and found some.. thanks for the pointer.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 13:12:49 EDT 2000 | John Biskup
Can anyone give me a pointer to information about obtaining a prototype board for an SMT circuit. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 21 03:46:25 EDT 2001 | Lex WW
Dave, thank you for the pointer. The Amkor site covered most of the basics, from the package design to assembly guidelines. If you have any further tips on assembling this package, I'd much appreciate it. Thanks again..
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 10:17:32 EST 2000 | g cronin
I have been trying to get the fid recognition to work on the Universal 4785 chipshooter but keep coming up with errors. If anyone has any experience using fids on this machine and can give me some pointers please drop me a line... thank you greg
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 20:26:33 EST 1999 | Clifford Peaslee
Hello SMTneters, The move is complete. The numerical IP address is temporary, until Internic changes the name pointer which should be in a day or two. Web email should not be affected. If you find any problems, please email me. Thanks, Cliff
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 31 19:36:19 EST 1999 | JC Leigh
Can you please give me a pointer on where to find the component package orientation standard in the IPC? I think we'll work up a spec sheet for the folks in purchasing and let them handle the vendor side of this problem. Thanks for your help! JC
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 16:29:49 EDT 1999 | Charles Morris
We are currently assemblying several different board type with gold plated lands with varying results. Can any of you that has successful experience in this area give me some pointers. What paste do you use? Do you use the recommended reflow profi
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 08 03:59:26 EDT 1998 | Charles Stringer
Does anyone out there have hands on experience of selective soldering. Either masking or miniwave type. I am looking for pointers with regard to equipment selection and known process problems/ limitations
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 30 20:21:44 EST 2003 | iman
we are using a "recommend supplier profile", and we have gotten back to the talking table with them over this profile specs. Thanks for the pointer, have ask them on this issue. Have also asked for their phase-transistion diagram to understand their