Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 10:24:30 EST 2018 | davef
Standards Organisations, Electronics Technology & Manufacturing: • International Printed Circuits (IPC) • Semiconductor Materials & Equipment International (SEMI) • International Electrotechnical Commission (IECQ-CECC) • British Standards Institute (
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 10 13:42:03 EST 1998 | Steve Stevens
I am interested in any information regarding possible failure mechanisms associated with active die (GaAs or Silicon Semiconductors) as a result of being exposed to RMA type fluxes and/or typical SMT industry cleaners. I know that corrosion is one s
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 01:25:47 EST 2006 | seety1981
test engineer and product engineer... Hi all, Sorry if this topic is not suitable to be in this forum.. anyway,... i would like to know what the different of the jobs scope between the Test Process and Test Product engineer in semiconductor manufac
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 16:20:10 EST 1998 | Robin Arnold
Do you know if there is an IPC standard or industry standard that addresses the proper process for handling MSD's in the production environment....? (rework etc.) Not the receiving area. Thanks so much, Robin Arnold PCB Development Harris Semiconduc
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 16:17:39 EST 1998 | Robin Arnold
Do you know if ther is an IPc standard or industry standard that addreese the issues regarding the proper process for handling MSD's in the production environment....? (rework etc.) Not the receiving area. Thanks so much, Robin Arnold PCB Development
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 16:28:15 EDT 2006 | JOE
if you took the time to look at their portfolio, many of the companies they own are product producing companies, and many are in the electronics and semiconductor industry, maybe they will pump some life into a company who has needed some for a few y
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 24 09:48:15 EST 1998 | Steve Schrader
| Do you know if there is an IPC standard or industry standard | that addresses the proper process for handling MSD's in the production environment....? (rework etc.) | Not the receiving area. | Thanks so much, | Robin Arnold | PCB Development | Har
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 28 12:10:12 EST 2003 | amacphie
Hi, I'm looking to develop some industry specific examples of the application of Six Sigma for my MBA dissertation. I used to work in semiconductors so I have plenty of examples to include from that are but would like to include examples from assemb
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 10:24:53 EDT 2004 | pjc
MPM is a printing machine design and mfg company based in Franklin MA USA. Printing machines are used to deposit hi viscosity materials such as solderpaste, adhesives and silver epoxy used by the electronics assembly and semi-conductor industry. The
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 29 11:18:16 EDT 2008 | julienvittu
basically your problems come from the copper balance top and bottom side we are using substrate down to 0.18mm (semiconductor industry/ Bga package / SIp business) you have to respect 5% difference maximum between Top and bottom side otherwise you
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