Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 03 16:34:10 EST 2005 | davef
The main advantage if ENIG over HASL is that ENIG is flat and HASL generally is not. The main disadvanages to ENIG over HASL are: * Cost of ENIG is 1.5 - 2X higher than HASL * Selflife is less than HASL * You solder to nickel, rather than copper * E
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 16:51:46 EDT 2005 | GS
It stands for Elettroless Nikel Immersion Gold, a kind of PCB finishing Entek (there are several kinds) is a brand name of an OSP (Organic Solderability Preservative)kind of PCB finishing. Regards............GS
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 15 15:57:11 EDT 2005 | GS
Organic Solderability Preservative, is a definition that you can find, for istance, on IPC-2221A (geneiric standard on printed board design) Tabel 4-3 (Final Finisch, etc) Regards............GS
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 12:37:41 EST 2005 | Cmiller
We have been using this finish almost exclusively for fine pitch boards for about 5 years. Make SURE you use a board house that does the gold plating in-house. There are some potential issues as DaveF stated. The only problem we have encountered is w
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 17:35:16 EDT 2002 | davef
* Finally, when soldered by hand, do the problem pads take solder? Yes, the XRF analysis will be interesting.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 16:43:55 EDT 2002 | mcm4me
I have a customer with up to 8% scrap from one board supplier and 1% from another supplier for solder dewett and no wet over ENIG finish with mask defined pads. Initially I suspected mask residue on pads because of the no wets but I have come to find
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:15:15 EDT 2002 | Rick Lathrop
Hi Dave, The paste applied to the board ends up on the tombstone. The pad has a thin covering of solder most of the time, this is why I think they call it a dewet. Occasionally the pad shows some areas of gold and very rarely are some pads not wet at
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 08:37:39 EDT 2002 | davef
When you talk about 'poor wetting', 'dewett', 'no wets', etc.; are you seeing solder pulling back or away from the pad? Please describe the condition. Dewetting. The condition in the solder joint in which the liquid solder has not adhered intimate
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 01 08:58:47 EDT 2002 | Rick Lathrop
Good morning Dave F. I am not going to try to touchup the solder pad until I get surface analysis work done, don't want to ruin the evidence. I am getting XPS work done not XRF, XPS is X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and can see very thin films of o
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 17:47:50 EDT 2002 | davef
Dewetting: Solder does not adhere to lead or land, caused by: * Poor solderability of lands. * Poor solderability of leads. * Solder paste integrity. * Lead plating integrity. Need more information, please: * What is dewetting [ie, component, pad, e