Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 12 11:02:20 EST 2008 | patrickbruneel
Greg, I totally agree with you that machine settings are very important in wave soldering and soldering in general. I disagree that lead free alloys can produce wetting like in the attached picture (leaded alloy). Lead free alloys have a much higher
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 04 07:44:25 EDT 2007 | davef
Thermal cycle* * Requirements for and troubleshooting of poor barrel fill => Hole fill
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 18:03:43 EDT 2012 | rmazenha
Hi, i am using AIM 264-5 No Clean flux for soldering alpaca pieces on PCB boads, but i am having problems: poor filling and no solder. I am using SAC 305 lead free solder. I have tried to change flux pressure, time, ammount as well solder speed an
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 25 19:26:39 EDT 2012 | caurbach
So, I just learned that alpaca isn't just a cousin of the llama, it's also a Cu/Ni alloy (imitation silver). Creeped me out at first... When you say "poor filling and no solder", are you referring to wetting problems? Do you have any photos you co
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 09:52:14 EST 2004 | davef
First, two points about hole / barrel fill are: * A filled hole is an excellent indicator of the optimum process and optimum quality PCB. * The study that showed that holes need not be filled was paid for by the US Army and performed by Lockheed in
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 28 09:45:03 EST 2004 | davef
Assuming the poor hole fill is not localized, try: * Inadequate preheat * Flux specific gravity is low * Low solder temperature * Conveyor is running too fast * Solder pot is contaminated
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 01 22:48:46 EST 2006 | Joseph
We are using selective soldering pallet, which the soldering flux is Interflux 2005M. We encountered the poor hole fill mainly at the heat sink components. Initially we tried to apply more heat but tend to overkill the flux activity. After some modif
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 12 08:59:46 EDT 2007 | davef
Questions are: * You say 'voids', but you describe poor barrel fill. Are you seeing both? * Sometimes designers need to reduce the heatsink effect of large ground and power places, but this usually shows on the two upper corner pins, not all corners
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 10:19:36 EST 2007 | slthomas
Then how do we explain the poor printing performance (appears to be rheology based, paste thickening/drying, poor aperture fill, sticking to the blades, etc.) of paste that has exceeded it's shelf life? You know, the stuff that no amount of stirring
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 03:39:10 EST 2006 | dave
Hi Davef, Basically there is very poor signs of wetting ,the hole fill from the top of the board is non-existant and we are using 63/37 solder bars (wave solder machine).