Electronics Forum: por (Page 1 of 1)

Parts for Place Pro 5630

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 24 13:33:33 EST 2013 | saywhat2

I am looking for Nozzles, Positioners, feeders for my Place Por 5630's

Need Help for EMI Shielding process

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 11:14:50 EST 2005 | rlackey

Hola Dave y le agradece por toda su ayuda. Michel Thomas is great - Appologies to the Spanish speaking contingent if that makes no sense.

Jammed Boards and Conveyor Rail Wear

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 19 14:26:38 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Por-15 paint. Just don't get it on your skin or any surface you don't want coated. http://www.vintageagain.com/index.php/

Cleaning solvent for no-clean board.

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 05 14:43:33 EDT 2002 | davef

Steve, As a reason for cleaning no-clean flux res: Well, maybe some of Por's products / customers can live with NC flux res, while others cannot accept it. So, rather than running two fluxes Por finds it simpler to clean the NC flux res. For us,

QUAD 4C Laser problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 20:42:16 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance

Jorge: Nosotros tenemos una óptica 0KM embalada perteneciente a Martín. Se la dio a Bruno cuando palmó la nuestra, sin embargo el equipo nuestro tiene el otro modelo. Si querés pasala a buscar y la probás. Estoy seguro que es la solución al problema,

Nitrogen V.S Solder bridging problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 08:57:28 EDT 2001 | Hussman

Por, You talking wave solder or reflow solder? At wave, nitrogen is the way to go. Just like you stated, it does affect the surface tension. If you're reflowing, I wouldn't go nitrogen unless you have to. Improper stencil design is usually the c

Cleaning solvent for no-clean board.

Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 10:59:56 EDT 2002 | Por

All Could anybody help to let me know the effect of AXAREL 36 (Petroferm Inc.) on electronic device for cleaning PCBA application. I am process engineer and currently using Prozone solvent and Axarel 32 to be cleaning solder for smear board cleani

Cleaning solvent for no-clean board.

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 04 19:15:15 EDT 2002 | rob_thomas

Por, Why do you clean no-clean flux residue?I didn't use the product you mentioned but I got some help from the folks at Cookson group last year when I did wirebonding after no-clean smt processing.check their website.Check your profile as well.unles


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