Electronics Forum: power data error (Page 1 of 60)

DEK 265 pneumatic power down error

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 28 09:43:19 EDT 2019 | dekhead

Pneumatic power down error does go back to MMX12. MM's info is communicated to NM (in PC enclosure) via 100 way cable. Depending on software version, the "Pneumatic Power Down" error may be the default (initial) error generated with bad connection /

DEK 265 pneumatic power down error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 16:27:40 EDT 2020 | michelcf

Good Day Sir. Where is the MMX?

DEK 265 pneumatic power down error

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 28 08:12:19 EDT 2019 | carehawk

We had an issue where a vision cable got cut and a few wires were exposed and possibly shorted. We fixed the cable and since then have had numerous errors with the last one being pneumatic power down. We have air to the machine and have checked the p

DEK 265 pneumatic power down error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 22:48:17 EDT 2020 | dekhead

MM (MultiMove) cards are in the M19, Motor Control, crate (located front of machine, right side). MM's are the larger cards located on the far right side; X11, X12 and X13 slots (X11 slot is only used in Infinity, empty slot on Horizon / ELA).

Quad IVc power up

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 14:48:38 EDT 2009 | bobpan

There is also a modify code that if set to 0 the quad-align will not turn on and you will have this error. It is one of the higher mod codes around 60-80......been so long i forget.... Good Luck Bob

Dek265 mk1 power problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 07 05:18:10 EST 2020 | richardcargill

Thankyou so much Dekhead, that worked perfectly. We're up and away again. I'm assuming the card just got it's data corrupted somehow. I'll know next time !!! Thanks again

Quad 4C power switch

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 02:34:37 EDT 2013 | rollon65

Hi Marcelo The two machines I mentioned are the American type but they have an internal transformer fitted to convert from 110 to 220 Volts for U.K. Incidentally only one of the machines does it on a regular basis whilst the other one is mostly O.K

Quad IVc power up

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 12 08:49:12 EDT 2009 | mki

Hello, I bought used QUAD IVc MKII with transport in "as-is" condition, powered it up (without air and PCB on machine) and all axes (X, Y, Z AND T(heta)shows signs of life. Machine is performing HOME positioning self test. I am not familiar with QUA

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 11 10:00:11 EDT 2015 | brockparry

if you are facing a problem to send the data to your machine then you must check the driver part of your machine if you are sending it through any software. Also check the power status of the machine. You can also go for one simple method by doing Re

DEK265GSX >>>motor commumincation error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 26 12:16:52 EDT 2008 | bickt

you cannot swap 0-3 only 0-1 or 2-3 they are not the same euro cards. they function very diffrently. if you look you will see there are more chips and circuitry on one set. there are 2 w/red leds and 2 with green leds. at least thats how they soo

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