Electronics Forum: powering (Page 1 of 183)

DEK 265 GSX not powering up

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 28 10:04:14 EDT 2012 | dwelch123

Looking for some help. I'm getting no power to the main machine. All power supplies are getting correct power in but not outputing power. All output terminals on power supplies read 0V. The main transformer outputs all check with proper voltages. At

DEK 265 GSX not powering up

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 28 21:30:35 EDT 2012 | dekhead

Assuming you are not seeing 240VAC @ PSU inputs. Present @ transformer, but not much beyond CB1 on Y4... Nothing to PSU's or PC, etc. Inrush suppressor(s) (Thermistors). Contact me directly. www.dekhead.com

Isolate two power input connectors from each other

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 23:24:08 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Look at "power isolators" or using transformers with AC to isolate power supplies.

MPM UP500 blowing power supplies

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 11:45:35 EST 2016 | ttheis

I was able to repair the original power supply for the printer again with parts from another similar power supply on ebay. At first the machine didn't power up properly even though the supply voltages were all good on a volt meter when tested befor

Power Supply - Capacitor's

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 20 23:28:34 EST 2002 | Mahesh K.R.

I have some questions on this. What is the power rating of the power supply? In power supply where are you using the capacitor? What type of loads you connect to the power supply? If it is a simple 50Hz rectifier, There is no option. You have to us

Dek-265 no power

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 07:03:07 EDT 2008 | gemengr

DEK_265LT had been turn off and on by itsefl couple of time yesterday,and then off for good. I check the power going in to machine to the switch,got power to it,then power out to that little green box but there wasn't any power out put from that lit

Omniflo 10 power failure detected

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 26 15:00:44 EDT 2013 | leemeyer

This is what the manual says about this message : Power Failure Detected A main power failure occurred and the machine is being powered by the UPS. All heaters are shut off immediately ad the conveyor clears all boards If main power is not restored w

high power operation

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 05:12:20 EDT 2007 | wayne_

Hi Is there any standard or requirement to test the solder under high power operation? For example, a power switching device, what is the failure mode of the solder joint after the whole equipment undergone a high power (current / voltage) environmen

MVP Supra M - Power-up Problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 16 09:58:10 EDT 2019 | ttheis

Resolved; the power box "service" switch was set to ON. Changed to OFF and machine powered up per instructions. Didn't see this switch mentioned anywhere in the power up procedure. Thanks to the previous owner for tipping me off.

Reflow Oven & Surface Mount Machine Energy Consumption

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 16:01:03 EST 2008 | jmelson

The P&P machine uses very modest power when idling. It draws burst of power when accelerating the gantry. So, the yearly power consumption is going to be a LOT less than nameplate figures. If it is largely air-driven, then you have to factor in th

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