Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 20:26:18 EST 1998 | bernie
What programming software is available for the Philips FCM? I currently use the Philips PPS software, but the user interface is less than desirable. Surely there is something better.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 10:17:21 EST 1998 | jboudia
| | What programming software is available for the Philips FCM? I currently use the Philips PPS software, but the user interface is less than desirable. Surely there is something better. | | | | Bernie, | | CIMBridge'97 from GR Software (Mitron-G
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 09:16:10 EST 1998 | Chris Young
| What programming software is available for the Philips FCM? I currently use the Philips PPS software, but the user interface is less than desirable. Surely there is something better. | Bernie, CIMBridge'97 from GR Software (Mitron-Genrad) has a
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 07:14:34 EDT 2010 | mun4o
Hi all, we have two smd line, with 2 topaz X each.Software for optimizing is PPS v.8.0.The problem is that when PPS optimazing the programme, IC, diodes and other polarity components are with wrong orientation.But, I see the orientation onli when str
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 00:35:47 EDT 2010 | sachu_70
The PPS helps to prepare a program off-line without affecting on-line production. However, there are certain efforts that we must consider, such as identifying the part orientation on feeder vis-a-vis its placement orienation on PCB, and confirming s
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 11 03:42:27 EST 2010 | deltaservices
Hello Andrew, Did you get the PPS software with the machine or do you have cad 2 cad? What do you use for input file?
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 26 11:34:08 EST 2009 | clau
Hi I think that i can help you but only with programs because for pps how you know well it is a must license even if you have one pps kit. Thik about, programs for your machine can be generate very cheap
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 19:02:55 EST 2004 | Frank Gearhart - Assembl�on Snr. Software Technical Specialist
The OS/2 software you are referring to is the CSM-PPS v3 which was released in 1999, it is now out of service. The current software for optimizing, balancing, and generating programs for a Topaz and other Gem machines off-line, is GemLine-PPS v8.0,
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 09 15:50:09 EST 2009 | propox
Hi We have several Philips Topaz machines and old PPS, where can I find new GemLine-PPS v8.0 software, I have freeware cad2cad but it is simple. Any help please
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 02 04:55:54 EST 2009 | nidot
Heloo. Wery thanks. Please send to me e-mail smt(at)smtronic.com Please sent to me You phone number I (or my frednd) tel to You. Regards. SMTronic