Electronics Forum: predictive (Page 4 of 14)

2512R LF Solder Joint Reliability

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 13 12:03:50 EDT 2007 | davef

Test results indicated that the life of lead-free solder at a 2512 chip resistor could be worse than of SnPb solder in the accelerated thermal cycling condition. [Development of Life Prediction Model for Lead-free Solder at Chip Resistor, Changwoon H

Squeegee replacement

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 02 12:28:57 EST 2008 | slthomas

I'm sure that somewhere, some medical device manufacturer has a very proud QE with his name on 10 pages of FMEA docs describing just what catastrophic failues might occur if the blade wears out. Of course he'll leave it to the process guys to determi

Wave and Reflow Profiler

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 16:19:26 EST 2008 | edatasys

Check out http://www.solderstar.co.uk/wavePro.html This tool measures all key wave solder information with a single pass. Wave/PCB contact, immersion depths, etc. Also has a reflow pack to allow use on reflow, 9 channels with predictive software. B

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 16:48:54 EDT 2008 | pcbbuilders

my oven has a built in profiler, it works fairly well, but it can not predict changes. my main concern was about the time right before reflow. i know that's where the flux is activated and i was worried that i may be spending too much time at the tem

Lead Free PCB Plating and Leaded Solder Process

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 21:29:18 EST 2010 | actioncontrols

I predict you will have no problems with your soldering. Remember that all plating is only a few microns thick and quickly washed away by the molten solder. We have used white tin, immersion gold, OSG, etc. for quite a while with leaded solder and

Super M.O.L.E Gold

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 10:39:51 EST 2010 | baildl632

We purchased a "Promotional Unit" (Super Mole Gold w/ power pack only) w/ 6 mo. warrany from ECD directly in '06' for $3395.00. My opinion of its function is excellent. The Predictor function works well, giving very close predictions. I tend to do my

Soldering Method for Ribbon Cable

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 17:40:21 EDT 2012 | ck_the_flip

DaveF, What is your prediction if one tries to put a solder iron to it? Will the component bridge? I know hot-bar soldering is more common for things like Flex Circuits (with silver-filling epoxy), etc. and not so much for things where standard so


Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 11:28:41 EST 2014 | markhoch

I've spoken with a number of Engineers about this subject and there didn't seem to be a consensus number. In my own experience, I found that we were replacing the stencils after approximately 30,000 print strokes. In my predictive maintenance spreads


Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 20:47:58 EST 2014 | slouis2014

Well the stencil in question have shield components. And this stencil sometimes doesn't even reach 10,000 strokes.As compared with stencil that does not have shield components, the life span seems to be lesser considering that same squeegee, print pr

Tracking labor at selective solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 15:35:21 EST 2017 | emeto

For me it looks like a scheduling issue. You can do time studies on your assemblies and predict the best workload, based on scheduling the jobs in the right sequence. Also it sounds like you have only one operator. Train more people to operate will h

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