Electronics Forum: prepreg grain direction (Page 1 of 3)

Prepreg Grain Direction

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 17:57:39 EST 2006 | slthomas

Not here, but I'd be interested in hearing what you found.

Prepreg Grain Direction

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 12:38:51 EST 2006 | moonshine

On my site and in my book, there is considerable information answering all your questions. Visit http://www.moonmanondarkside.com and choose your area of interest. All information listed is free. MoonMan

Prepreg Grain Direction

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 03 16:05:42 EST 2006 | Chris

Hi, Anyone ever perform a DOE on prepreg glass bundle direction or glass bundle grain and how or if it affects PCB warpage and chip component cracking at V-score depanel? Since most FR4 and prepreg has has 1.4 times more fiber bundles in one direct

Re: Markers - Pens

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 09:11:29 EST 1999 | Brian C

| | | | I need some help to see if anyone knows of a vendor that makes a permanent marker that is in the Houston area that can write on a PCB the size of a grain of rice using white permanent ink...That's the amount of space we have to write our seri

Requesting thermo-elastic Epoxy/E-glass laminate/prepreg materia

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 06:17:45 EDT 2014 | julianf

As stated in the title I would like to know the thermo-elastic material properties, most preferably the E-modulus and CTE in x- and y-direction, for Epoxy/E-glass laminates and/or prepregs for various fibreglass cloth styles. Datasheets only give ro

Re: Markers - Pens

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 17:00:48 EST 1999 | Dave F

| | | I need some help to see if anyone knows of a vendor that makes a permanent marker that is in the Houston area that can write on a PCB the size of a grain of rice using white permanent ink...That's the amount of space we have to write our serial

Re: Markers - Pens

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 15:10:34 EST 1999 | michael nguyen

| | I need some help to see if anyone knows of a vendor that makes a permanent marker that is in the Houston area that can write on a PCB the size of a grain of rice using white permanent ink...That's the amount of space we have to write our serial n

Markers - Pens

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 10:33:16 EST 1999 | Michael Nguyen

I need some help to see if anyone knows of a vendor that makes a permanent marker that is in the Houston area that can write on a PCB the size of a grain of rice using white permanent ink...That's the amount of space we have to write our serial numbe

Re: Markers - Pens

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 22 20:45:04 EST 1999 | Dave F

| I need some help to see if anyone knows of a vendor that makes a permanent marker that is in the Houston area that can write on a PCB the size of a grain of rice using white permanent ink...That's the amount of space we have to write our serial num

Re: Intermetallics and reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 20:24:22 EDT 2000 | Dave F

MF: I know of nothing that addresses your question directly. Let me suggest: * Technical types at your solder supplier should be able to help. * "Effect Of Intermetallic Compounds On The Thermal Fatigue Of Surface Mount Solder Joints" PL Tu, et a

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