Electronics Forum: pressure decrease value (Page 1 of 7)

PPS caps degrading value

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 14:00:21 EDT 2007 | wayne123

we have recently been having trouble with our PPS capacitors on a couple of our boards. these boards are RoHs and the Parts are RoHs compliant. these boards first run through our reflow then a batch washer some through-hole parts are placed and then

Measuring the real pressure applied by Squegee

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 15:28:10 EDT 2018 | emeto

If you have pressure sensors in there(most contemporary machines have), value is probably right. It doesn't mean though that the value is correct(see the upper post)

Standard for Stencil printers edges pressure

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 17:59:07 EDT 2006 | karenp

Hi guys: I'm trying to get the recommended pressure for stencil edges using air compression, I'm working with I-source but they don't have any standard like IPC or something that can help me to use and decrease the replacement of stencil because of

Measuring the real pressure applied by Squegee

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 21:06:49 EDT 2018 | jacobidiego

Hi experts, I have some stencils in a bad state. Some of the marks belongs to squegee operation. I wonder if it is possible to measure the pressure that is being applied, as we can set the pressure, but we don't know if that value is real and calib

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 14:09:57 EDT 2001 | aqueous

Hi Carol, Pressure requirements have changed over the past few years. In the recent past, aqueous cleaning systems relied on high flow, low pressure �flooding� techniques. 20 � 30 PSI pumped through large orifice nozzles. With ever increasing boa

DEK HORIZON 265 Squeege Pressure question

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 03:19:21 EDT 2020 | dekhead

Have you done Squeegee Heights calibration? (no tools required) Does it complete cal routine without error? Does pressure compensate on next print, with corresponding squeegee, following acknowledgement of pressure error? The readings calibration, ge

DEK HORIZON 265 Squeege Pressure question

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 14:32:34 EDT 2020 | dekhead

Following a pressure error, if continue is pressed, the next print with THE CORRESPONDING squeegee should attempt to compensate by increase or decrease in pressure (as appropriate)... Is it: 1)Not changing at all? 2)Over compensating? 3)Under compens

Component ( Connector ) drop during secondary reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 09:39:33 EST 2018 | emeto

If you go this route vibration will not be your focus. there is something that is called pressure inside an oven. Some ovens have separate parameter to control that. Other will have the blower speed control. You should decrease the pressure(your conv

DEK HORIZON 265 Squeege Pressure question

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 20:26:37 EST 2019 | kylehunter

Alrighty... Problem solved - ended up not being a problem at all. So, what I didn't realize, was that the knead pressure was 5kg, and the first print was always kneaded, so that's why the set pressure showed 5kg. After it was done kneading, the set

Re: Squeegee Pressure

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 14:06:28 EST 1999 | Craig Lowe

Bill, I would go with the second piece of advice by leaving a little film of solder paste on the screen. This is good advise if you are using a lookup/look down type of vision centering. Like on MPM and newer Fuji. On older Fuji GSP2/3 style printer

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