Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 26 09:26:12 EDT 2008 | lloyd
I know you said you checked your clamps but another look will do no harm. we had a very similar issue a while back, and it turned out that the plastic shim under the chase clamp magnet was damaged. This caused the chase clamps not to release properly
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 14:34:16 EDT 2005 | peter ng
The stencil thickness should be 5.5 mils.The squeeze speed around 20mm/s,print gap 0.15mm,print separation 0.3mm/s.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 06:06:52 EST 1999 | Stefan
Check the print gap and check the clamp edges, sometimes the clamps is damaged causing a distance between the PCB and the screen. Good luck
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 07:26:55 EDT 2004 | johnwnz
Alistair, your paste deposit is controlled by a few things: Stencil thickness Squeegee pressure Squeegee speed Print gap in 99 out of 100 applications for paste printing you would have a print gap of 0 i.e. on contact printing where the PCB is in fu
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 16:19:40 EST 2001 | rwilliams
In regards to SMT adhesive application by stencil: Can anyone make any recommendations for: SMT Adhesive Material itself? Squeegee Blade Material? Stencil Material? Characteristics/Features of your Stencil? E.g., thickness, aperture ratios, etc... P
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 16:32:46 EST 2001 | Darby
Adrian, I'll go again. The term "snap off" on it's own refers to the distance between the bottom of the stencil and the top of the pcb. Sometimes referred to as "print gap". As you prefaced your question with "squeegee snap off" I thought you were as
Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 12:28:12 EDT 2001 | slthomas
We have had some success printing 20mil pitch with our IIT Proframe. It takes some babysitting, and you don't want your operators to be changing these things out every hour or you'll be buying lots of them. Pulling tension in one direction gives r
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 10:08:25 EST 1999 | Justin Medernach
| Can sombody help me with this?? When applying solder paste, what factors determine how high off the PCB the stencil is? We use no fine pitch devices. (mostly 603 and 1206 size components) Any help would be greatly appreciated. As you could probably
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 03:16:18 EST 1999 | Scott Davies
| | Can sombody help me with this?? When applying solder paste, what factors determine how high off the PCB the stencil is? We use no fine pitch devices. (mostly 603 and 1206 size components) Any help would be greatly appreciated. As you could probab
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 12 04:35:13 EST 2009 | sachu_70
You can certainly venture out to the nearest lab for in-depth analyses. But since you mention 2-3% defectives in a batch, there is much you can do in-house as well. Measure the height of your solder paste deposit (in zero print gap condition)across a