Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 05 01:31:08 EDT 2012 | dws123
printed circuit board assembly used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways.it is a electronic device made by copper.it is a cheaper and useful .so we used in electronic devices.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 13:17:31 EDT 2012 | leemeyer
Contact Sipad Systems and see if your board is a match for their process. They use a flux that stays tacky for weeks. We have used them in the past for exactly this reason and everything worked out well.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 06:12:23 EDT 2012 | weyes
About my company Shenzhen flytop technology co.,ltd is a professional PCB and PCBA manufacturer in china. We have been manufacturing PCB and offer assembly services with component supplying for client around the world over 10 years. Now we have
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 03 06:21:57 EST 2000 | Ignacio Simon
I would like to have information about the materials commonly used for laminates of printed circuit boards, their main thermal, mechanical, humidity and electrical characteristics and proper finishing and aplicattions, and advantages/disadvantages be
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 17:26:56 EDT 1999 | wayne sanita
first of all what is the technical term for the small amount of solder on a plated pad. we are getting poor screen printing gasketing on a 20 mil qfp due to this solder not being even or too high in spots and not covering the length of the pads. any
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 10:24:12 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
| first of all what is the technical term for the small amount of solder on a plated pad. we are getting poor screen printing gasketing on a 20 mil qfp due to this solder not being even or too high in spots and not covering the length of the pads. an
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 19:40:11 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook
| first of all what is the technical term for the small amount of solder on a plated pad. we are getting poor screen printing gasketing on a 20 mil qfp due to this solder not being even or too high in spots and not covering the length of the pads. an
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 19:40:27 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook
| first of all what is the technical term for the small amount of solder on a plated pad. we are getting poor screen printing gasketing on a 20 mil qfp due to this solder not being even or too high in spots and not covering the length of the pads. an
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 19:41:29 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook
| | first of all what is the technical term for the small amount of solder on a plated pad. we are getting poor screen printing gasketing on a 20 mil qfp due to this solder not being even or too high in spots and not covering the length of the pads.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 12 08:00:14 EDT 2007 | rgduval
It sounds like you may be thinking of two different test methodologies. What is required? Bare-bard testing, to verify pcb fabrication? Or populated board testing, to verify manufacturing? If it's bare board testing, the fab house should advise a
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