Electronics Forum: printed circuit structures (Page 1 of 63)

printed circuit board assembly

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 05 01:31:08 EDT 2012 | dws123

printed circuit board assembly used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways.it is a electronic device made by copper.it is a cheaper and useful .so we used in electronic devices.

printed circuit board assembly

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 13:17:31 EDT 2012 | leemeyer

Contact Sipad Systems and see if your board is a match for their process. They use a flux that stays tacky for weeks. We have used them in the past for exactly this reason and everything worked out well.

printed circuit board assembly

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 06:12:23 EDT 2012 | weyes

About my company Shenzhen flytop technology co.,ltd is a professional PCB and PCBA manufacturer in china. We have been manufacturing PCB and offer assembly services with component supplying for client around the world over 10 years. Now we have

How printed circuit boards are assembled?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 00:22:08 EDT 2012 | dws123

Many companies manufactures printed circuit boards but couldn't become successful. I want to buy these circuits but cannot get better boards yet suggest me about good printed circuit board assembly company.

allflex flexible printed circuit SMT placement

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 15:05:59 EDT 2010 | jdengler

Fixture, Fixture, Fixture. Jerry

How printed circuit boards are assembled?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 04:14:44 EDT 2012 | eniac

I would suggest to you our company - http://dism.com.ua/en

material of laminates of printed circuit board

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 03 06:21:57 EST 2000 | Ignacio Simon

I would like to have information about the materials commonly used for laminates of printed circuit boards, their main thermal, mechanical, humidity and electrical characteristics and proper finishing and aplicattions, and advantages/disadvantages be

allflex flexible printed circuit SMT placement

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 09:27:36 EDT 2010 | remullis

I am new to flex circuit manufacturing, placing SMT. We have a need to use this technology, but I have no experience in the process. The sample our design engineers have obtained are from a company called Allflex. How does this process work? printi

How printed circuit boards are assembled?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 10:22:56 EDT 2012 | ericrr

By the way how are PCB's made (briefly)? During my radio apprenticeship in the 70's I made PCB via the screen printing method, The other method for say one off or small volume is the photo-etch. Is there a third high tech method, or just a updated

How printed circuit boards are assembled?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 01:51:32 EDT 2012 | susanc

Look for PCB shop online.Visit different sites and compare the price. I am sure you will find a good one.

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printed circuit structures searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Midwest Circuit Technology
Midwest Circuit Technology

Midwest Circuit Technology provides Carbide Router Bits and End Milling Cuters for use in PCB Depaneling equipment. We have over 35 years of supplying tools and machining experience in drilling, Routing, Test Fixture manufacture.

Manufacturer / Distributor

114 Barrington Town Square
Aurora, OH USA

Phone: 13309956900

SMT feeders

Smt Feeder repair service centers in Europe, North, South America
AI Data Center Hardware Manufacturing

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
PCB Handling with CE

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling Machine with CE

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
Voidless Reflow Soldering

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications