Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 08 08:33:19 EST 2007 | aj
Can these be used on Dek printers ? aj...
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 08 05:55:38 EST 2007 | jola
Hi. We have a medium to high volyme production with a lot of different boards to run inour lines. We do some prototypes as well but not as our main production. We have a lot of change over time that we try to reduce and as far as it's not double side
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 16:29:08 EST 2004 | adlsmt
Does anyone still service full-auto HTI printers?
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 16:34:14 EST 2004 | pjc
Try these guys, they bought the HTI product line: http://www.milarasmt.com/
Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 12:47:52 EDT 2007 | cyber_wolf
Is there anyone out there using this ? It looks like they only sell it for the 643 machines. Can it be adapted for 642 machines as well ? We have 2 major problems: 1. Operator makes width change adjust without removing supports from previous job. Ta
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 08 12:16:58 EDT 2008 | pstone
I have four IP3�s all that require different height board support pins. Is there a way to adjust the table height so all of the machines are the same?
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 12:28:49 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf
Why not post the solution for all to see ? Answer: A-cuz then I can't spam.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 17:35:25 EDT 2008 | fujillews
if you need help just ask
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 18:00:14 EDT 2008 | tonysmt
Thanks llew explanation & information was a great help.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 13:30:16 EDT 2008 | fujillews
Hi, Please email me directly at llew@alternativesmt.com i will explain how and provide the information you require. Regards Llew