Electronics Forum | Tue May 01 09:58:20 EDT 2007 | rgduval
Basem, I can't direct you to a dispensing machine, as I'm not familiar with them. But, I can tell you what we do. We specialize in short volume, prototype quantity runs. Since prototypes and short quantities are not conducive to volume operations
Electronics Forum | Tue May 01 01:39:16 EDT 2007 | basem
Acquire a fast dispensing machine that can deposit solder paste to keep a low volume pick and place machine working. This would save us two things: 1) Stencil delivery waiting period for customers who bring with them their PCBs fabricated in the loca
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 14:43:37 EDT 2001 | Ian T
for the application we hae to do, we can't print paste. we can however dispence paste. what are the advantages and disadvantages? is there any equipment you would recomend? thx for the help
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 21 00:56:44 EDT 2006 | pavel_murtishev
Good morning, MPM AP25 we have is equipped with dedicated vacuum support only, no side snuggers. Also we had a lot of issues with fine pitch paste deposition due to this poor support. Vacuum support can�t fix wrapped boards properly causing a lot of
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 22:24:15 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory
| I need information about SMT machines, technology and mannufactures. If possible give me e-mail or web site's adresses Good Day Igor!! I could give you my opinions about different machines that I've worked with, but that would just be MY opini
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 06:04:10 EST 2014 | spoiltforchoice
Manual placement aids are often very similar, I would suggest it is quite difficult to tell them all apart. Most of them include some kind of carousel for bins of loose parts and have the option of a few tape "feeders". If you are building small volu
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 14 15:46:41 EDT 2016 | g2garyg2
Happy to help John! PROMATION USA offers in-line "Print-on-Demand" Label Placement Solutions. The ELC-1100P can be used in-line or offline. Depending upon board size the unit can be ordered with an internal flip option as well for dual side proces
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 09:25:05 EDT 2016 | kahrpr
You need to look at Hover-Davis they make label feeders for SMT placement equipment.
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 29 15:29:06 EDT 2008 | aw
I am printing a ceramic paste through a 160 mesh screen that should have a theoretical wet print thickness of 53um but the only way I can get the print that thin is to increase down stop and slow the stroke. This is causing problems with the mesh, s
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 18 11:52:38 EDT 2008 | rrpowers
A couple years back we were looking at going to an enclosed solder paste printing process, similar to the ProFlow, Crossflow, or Rheometric Pump. We have older MPM AP25's with a custom transport. Speedline told us that in order to add the RheoPump,