Electronics Forum: process lead free (Page 1 of 494)

lead free process

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 23:28:59 EDT 2003 | xz xiao

We all know the Lead Free process is trend, so we trial run it, now it is only my comment that we have a good achievement after several tries,we have taken serveral photos about Lead Free process with ErsaScope. 1.The surface of the solder joint are

lead free process

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 23:29:08 EDT 2003 | xz xiao

We all know the Lead Free process is trend, so we trial run it, now it is only my comment that we have a good achievement after several tries,we have taken serveral photos about Lead Free process with ErsaScope. 1.The surface of the solder joint are

Excess wave flux on lead free process

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 03:07:17 EST 2005 | Chua

Hi, We are running lead free at wave solder now and the spray flux system is down. If we are going to able the flux manually, what problem will we be facing with the excess flux able. Appreciate for the advise.

Excess wave flux on lead free process

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 22:14:42 EST 2005 | Chua

Hi Davef, Thanks for your advise...... We are running no-clean process. If there is white residues after few days.....is it cause by those excess flux. Thanks

Flux drop in lead free process

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 09 16:54:25 EST 2006 | billwestiet

With high volume production, this can happen. The flux is vaporizing in the heating zones, and is condensing in the cooling zones. Depending on the machine, cooling can act differently on different machines. Less cooling may reduce this problem.

Flux drop in lead free process

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 09:25:44 EST 2006 | russ

unfortunately you need to increase your maintenance on these ovens, I would doubt if anything is wrong with your equipment. the Flux accumulation is normal, and you are putting alot of flux through those ovens. Just clean more often Russ

Flux drop in lead free process

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 19 13:09:36 EST 2006 | billwestiet

Where are you located. I know a guy that has experience on the Folung oven, and can hook you up with him. Drop me an E, and I'll reply to that with his contact information. Bill West bill@ietechnology.net www.ietechnology.net

Flux drop in lead free process

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 04:11:11 EST 2006 | greg york

Probably because the flux manufacturers have deemed it necessary to increase flux volume by 20 - 25% compared to Leaded this is why more is being left over. Really not convinced of this increase in volume actually does anything. Black residue will be

Excess wave flux on lead free process

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 22:47:29 EST 2005 | davef

That would be our first guess, also. Get the stuff analyzed to be sure. Another clue is if the white stuff disappears when you hit it with hot air from a rework station. The hot air is activate the flux. Good troubleshooting tool, but you're subj

Flux drop in lead free process

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 05:02:22 EST 2006 | Harsha

Thanks for the response. I am using mainly two brands of ovens. One is Heller and the other is a chinese brand called Fulongwin (copy of Vitronics). I see the problem in both, more severe in the Fulongwin. Both are 8 zones and a few 9 zone Hellers. I

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