Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 22 06:46:01 EST 2011 | rameshraja
Dear All, We are doing PCBA's manufacturing,Inprocess we are doing manual soldering, reflow and wave soldering process, As per ISO-7.5.2 Process validation ( Special process ) Soldering process is considered as an special process, hence in order to
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 11:36:18 EDT 2013 | rgduval
Some great legal language here, Dave. Guess some people don't like their knowledge being shared. Probably shouldn't publish it to the interwebs if that's the case.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 13 09:56:45 EDT 2013 | davef
Look here for guidelines http://www.sensata.com/supplier/pdf/CQI-17_Soldering_System_Assessment.pdf Special processes" refer to processes that produce outputs whose output cannot be verified before being released to the customer. These products and
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 22 10:52:32 EST 2011 | davef
[ Removed by demand of Praxiom Research.. See their "request" below] Subject: DMCA copyright infringement takedown notification Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 12:52:40 -0600 From: Praxiom Research Group Limited To: , , , Attention: Copyright Agent, S
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 12:40:41 EST 2006 | russ
Here are some of the things we had to do when we had to validate process. Incoming voltage Air pressure squeegee speed placement accuracy oven stability
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 08:01:42 EST 2006 | INGE
We have a new SMT line, our customers are asking us the validation of the process. Not only the validation of the resulting assembled board (solder joint...) but also a validation of every single machine in the line (ex. stencil printer...). For exam
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 10:45:05 EST 2006 | Gilligan
FDA = Food and Drug Administration. Typically, the FDA requires a validation of every product that will ultimately go to consumers. The validation process is the basic "run it the same way with the same results" over a period of time. Back in my Phar
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 20:11:59 EST 2006 | slthomas
*Qualify* your equipment by running X boards, Y times, through each piece of equipment under normal operating conditions and quantifying the performance, as in a ppm rating. Then validate your process by defining all of the steps you use to generate
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 12:19:49 EST 2006 | Dirka Jihabi
I worked for a EMS who makes Medical Device Electronics, and yeah, the FDA's methodology for validation is a complete cluster-fudge! They did it on the principle of...does the shop air going into your equipment REALLY 80 PSI...or is there REALLY 220
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 11:40:45 EST 2006 | billyd
My company is looking to run some small validation cards to verify our Pb free process for potential customers. Basocally, we'd like to print a small card, place some components, say 0402 to a small BGA, maybe some thru-hole stuff, and reflow it. So