Electronics Forum: program a new part mydaya (Page 1 of 19)

CP-642 specific part missing/inconsistent

Electronics Forum | Thu May 07 16:10:37 EDT 2020 | greezmky

Being new to the industry, the question is how much squish should I see once the part is pushed into the paste? Is there a recommended offset to create the perfect impression in the paste? I did notice yesterday that the height called out in the pro

Way to port SMT program from Mydata to Panasonic?

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 20 18:54:14 EDT 2008 | jlawson

There is software available like valors new vPlan, single point solution, can support Mydata and Panasonic machines - can convert programs in both directions. ALso has all the Gerber, EDA import, BOM import merge - compare, plus many other advanced f

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 14:44:31 EST 2011 | olddog

Bobpan, thank you for your speedy response. As to the items you noted: 1. I did a test of Funct 30 for the first 5 nozzles, 2 times each as follows: noz1 Ht=215 & 219, center=1005 (all nozzles all tests), run out 2.2 & 2.7. Noz2 Ht=228 &228, runout=

new OMRON VT-RNS-pt PCB Inspection

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 26 18:23:47 EDT 2012 | frcdave

Hello Sergio, I can provide you expert perspective on the VT-RNS-PT from Omron as well as on the YESTech platforms. The VT-RNS-PT product is super complicated and difficult to understand from a programming and operation standpoint and really does no

AutoProgram Database of updated part definitions

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 19 23:03:22 EST 2017 | macrorie

Hello, New user here, so I apologize for treading on toes and/or showing a lack of knowledge. My question is this: Is there any where that has collected the parts definitions for newer parts that one could use in AutoProgram? It would seem to me

Re: Help with new placement equipment

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 17 08:03:47 EDT 1998 | Stefan Witte

I think the Universal and the Siemens machine are a good marriage. However, dealing with two different vendors may create additional difficulties. As both parties want to make the deal with you, you might want to bypass the sales people to get more i

New production using only MPN (manufacturer part number) for programming pp machine

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 06 09:45:13 EST 2021 | bukas

I would not go there. If you are forced to buy part from different manufacturer because of supply shortage then you will need to make change to machine program and that means a lot of downtime unless you can do that with 2-3 clicks. My company uses I

New production using only MPN (manufacturer part number) for programming pp machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 12:33:21 EST 2021 | dontfeedphils

In a past life I worked at a CM that used MFG P/Ns and the only thing I had to watch out for was character limits in the P/N field for the machines as well as special characters the machine couldn't handle.

parts left on a reel

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 20 07:17:36 EDT 2012 | ericrr

Hi we have Juki KE-750L's is there any program to work out how many parts left on the reel, on the machine, the placement program does have a option to keep this number, but once you finish the run and start a new run the figure is lost. Unless I mis

Handling Part Substitutions as a CM

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 00:59:22 EDT 2023 | kylehunter

We are getting back into contract assembly work. We have an older Assembleon (Phillips) pick and place machine. In a program file it just stores the part number and footprint as identifying information. If we are running a job for a second time and t

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