Electronics Forum: programming new tray (Page 1 of 80)

"cut tape" tray

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 17 10:55:17 EST 2009 | tpappano

I have a CSM84VZ, so I was thinking of a device that could be placed on it's "manual tray feeder" instead of one of the 9" wide plastic matrix trays that TQFPs, etc. are supplied in. The machine would be programmed to pick parts from several single-

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 15:58:50 EST 2007 | Cmiller

You should still be able to buy one from Philips. I think they cost aroud $2,500 new. I think we may be willing to sell one. If your interested e-mail me at cmiller@adltech.com

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 13:41:20 EST 2007 | coop

I contacted philips/assembleon and they said it was 1,200 new I think we might end up going this route, I've stacked up old trays before, would rather not restrict the amount of feeders I can load, but you're right it will get yah by in a pinch. than

aoi programming

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 18:03:56 EDT 2018 | spikesnpearls

hello i am a new aoi programmer and i was wondering how to choose/change what type of lighting it uses while scanning the board.i use a yestech ytv-fx

Panasonic p&p programming

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 11 16:22:27 EST 2008 | jlawson

You guys should check out Valors new VPlan Studio, covers Panasonic Machine well, Assembleon(Yamaha) and JUKI to some point...all from one solution.

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 09:05:42 EST 2011 | bdamico

Hello eadthem, I am pleased to hear that the new software is working well. Please keep us posted as to your progress. If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at (203) 881-5559. Brian D'Amico - President MIRTEC C

eprom programming needed

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 10:35:34 EST 1999 | greg cronin

I have a Hitachi HB/327 64 pin dip eprom that I need programmed. The company that I usually use cannot program these for me. I only have the program on one programmed IC. If anyone has a program house that can help me please let me know. Prefferi

Quad IIIc/IVc programming question

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 20:30:49 EDT 2005 | slthomas

I've got a new board (actually a new panel...a 4 up, with one row rotated, where it was a 2 up panel with no rotation before) that runs fine on the IVc but not on the IIIc. I've used the same reference points for the image rotation (fiducials) on bot

Zevatech FM720 offline programming

Electronics Forum | Tue May 31 22:16:24 EDT 2005 | hottipmfg

Hi, I'm new to this field. I'm looking for a third party software that can program the Zevatech FM720 Pick&Place machine. I know ScanCad provides service for this machine. Any knowledge to a reasonable cost software is appreciate very much. //Andrew

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 24 13:52:20 EST 2011 | bdamico

Hello Eadthem, We have a preliminary release of software spcifically designed to address these issues with Repair Plus. Please contact our office directly at 203-881-5559 so that we may arrange a Webex with you to install this new software. We wou

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