Electronics Forum: promation eac-7000 2 operator slide line (Page 1 of 1)

Slide line operation

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 09:25:55 EST 2008 | pjc

One per operator is the optimum for obvious. 3 to 4 per operator is more typical. The number is not as important as the type and time. Like don't have someone handle 2 different TO92 part nrs., splitting them up to different operators eliminates the

Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 10:19:24 EST 2000 | Ashok Dhawan

I have a question (s) on ESD- all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line: 1. How a wooden mini stool if used for holding tote box ( card board with static protecive coat, black color) can affect static sensitive devices inside the tot

Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 10:19:24 EST 2000 | Ashok Dhawan

I have a question (s) on ESD- all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line: 1. How a wooden mini stool if used for holding tote box ( card board with static protecive coat, black color) can affect static sensitive devices inside the tot

Optimal Speed for Universal Chip Shooters

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 16:30:33 EDT 2003 | T.Vick

You have received some great feedback so far. I would like to summarize and add a few points regarding maintenance. You should start (as recommended already) by verifying your component library data. Using the default values from the master library i

Re: Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 16:56:19 EST 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: If I was to count, I'd guess there was more than 4 subquestions. Hey, but who's countin' anyway? I have answer (s) "on ESD all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line:" Before pushing-on, it is only "a typical PCB Assembly li

Re: Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 16:56:19 EST 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: If I was to count, I'd guess there was more than 4 subquestions. Hey, but who's countin' anyway? I have answer (s) "on ESD all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line:" Before pushing-on, it is only "a typical PCB Assembly li


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